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Letters to use...

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Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006
Posts: 525
Location: Vaccination Liberation

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:35 pm    Post subject: Letters to use... Reply with quote

This will be my letters thread...

Although I prefer boosting/blasting and GIFTING , some people like to do letters, so here are good samples for them to use. Have fun.


Honorable _____________
United States Congress
Washington, DC 2051


Attached is a list of statistics which have been released by INS/FBI. Our country is being invaded by an army of insurgents, and our government is doing NOTHING about it. Instead, you have approved a ten lane North-South highway between Mexico and Canada, without putting it to the vote of the people. Immigrants, legal, illegal, Muslim, or otherwise do not have to speak to anyone until they reach Kansas City. Meanwhile, you are allowing our president to daily take away our Constitutional rights in the name of National Security. Does that make any sense to you? It doesn't to me.

On top of this, our government is secretly attempting to form a North American Union, and NAFTA trade agreement, to take away our sovereignty as well as our right to choose natural health care, also without putting it to the vote of the people (but not without first putting RFID chips into our passports). I OPPOSE a North American Union, as well as RFID chips in my passport, in my driver's license, in my credit cards, or in the merchandise I buy. I am particularly opposed to NAIS and enforced ID chipping of my animals, my children, and our military personnel. This rings of “Mark of the Beast” (Rev.13:17). America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. With everyone spying on me (and YOU) - which is what these ID chips will allow - we can no longer be free, and unless you STAND UP against this, I cannot call you brave.

This is YOUR country that is being sold, not just mine. It is your and your children's freedom that you, our representatives in Congress, are allowing to be taken away. Please, open your eyes to what this administration is doing, and do everything in your power to stop it.

Thank you very much.


Name Address

2nd page:

2006 (1st quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigration

62% of all “UIs” are working for cash & not paying taxes.
95% of warrants for murder in LA are for illegal aliens.
83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
75% of “most wanted” in these 3 cities are illegal aliens
380,000 “anchor babies” born in US in 2005 were to illegal alien parents. 97.2% of their birth costs were paid for by taxpayers.
66% of all births in Calif. Are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-cal paid for by US taxes.
24.9% of all inmates in Calif. are Mexican Nationals here illegally.
40.1% of all inmates in Arizona are Mexican Nationals here illegally.
48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico are Mexican Nationals here illegally.
29% 630,000 convicted illegal aliens in our prisons cost $6.1 billion annually.
300,000 illegal aliens in LA are living in garages.
53% of investigated burglaries in Calif., NM, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
Half of all gang members in LA are Mexican illegal aliens.
43% of all food stamps are issued to illegal aliens.
41% of all unemployment checks in the US go to illegal aliens.
58% of all welfare payments in the US go to illegal aliens.
60% of occupants of HUD housing in the US are illegal aliens.
34% of Arizona students grade 1-12 are non-English speaking.
39% of Calif. Students grade 1-12 are illegal aliens, and 42% don’t speak English
71% of apprehended cars stolen in Texas, NM, CA, Nevada, & AZ in 2005 were stolen by illegal aliens.
47% of cited/stopped drivers in Calif. have no license, no insurance, no registration. Of that 47%, 92% of them are illegal aliens.
63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance, no registration. Of that 63%, 97% of them are illegal aliens.
66% of cited/stopped drivers in NM have no license, no insurance, no registration. Of that 66%, 98% of them are illegal aliens.
Less than 2% of illegal aliens in the US are picking crops, but 41% are on welfare.
Over 70% of US annual population growth (over 90% in CA, FL, and NY) are immigrant
Cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 (after deducting the taxes they paid) was $70 Billion. Can you imagine what it is now?
Profits for US Corporations and businesses employing illegal aliens in 2005 was more than $2.36 Trillion.
Lifetime fiscal impact for the average adult Mexican illegal alien on the average American taxpayer is $11,000 per year.


United States Government
Washington, DC 2051


At a recent meeting given by the Idaho Panhandle Health District, to prepare local residents for a so-called Avian Flu pandemic, some interesting facts were divulged. The speaker, Doug Welch, compared the fabled Avian flu to the flu epidemic of 1918. While he admitted that hygiene was a key reason for the wild spread of the 1918 epidemic, he failed to disclose its relationship to WWI, mustard gas, the stressed health and restricted diets of returning soldiers, and crude vaccines which were actually a primary cause of the epidemic.

He did tell us that there have been only 254 human cases of Avian flu in the entire continent of Asia, and none in the US, and that, should such a virus break out in the US, it would take 10 months to create an antidote (vaccine) for it, because the virus is changeable and presently does not exist. In spite of this, and of the fact vaccines only keep for 2 years, the US government is setting aside a whopping $7.2 billion this year for creation of a vaccine for this virus. This contract is slated to go to pharmaceutical giant, Roche Laboratories, creators of Tamiflu vaccine, in which some in our government hold stock.

In light of the fact that there is no scientific proof that flu vaccines have actually reduced incidence of flu, and there are many studies to the contrary, and even Roche Labs state “There is no evidence for the efficacy of TAMIFLU in any illness other than influenza types A and B,” I am asking you to please vote AGAINST giving $7.2 billion of the taxpayers money to already overpaid pharmaceutical companies, for a vaccine which will not work to fight a virus which does not exist. Instead apply that money to cleaning up our food and water supplies and supporting organic farmers and others who provide truly healthy alternatives for our unhealthy country.

Please remember that it is not just MY children who are being affected by this ridiculous abuse of our funds. Your children are being forced to be injected with poisonous vaccines, just like your constituents’, and will manifest the same illnesses. It's not just about money. It's the future of our country’s health.


name address

CLIMATE CRISIS: (I already know the cure for that problem. ORGONE & GIFTING! )

TO _______________________


I am writing this letter because of my extreme concern about the direction our country is going. We have a new Congress, and I am praying for change.

Recently I watched Al Gore’s lecture on global warming, and I was appalled at how, once again, the petrochemical companies have used the United States Government to suppress over 800 scientific studies concerning global warming, and disseminate false information to the American public. Only this time it is not just our health and freedom which is at stake. It is the future of our entire planet, and unless our representatives in Congress do something, life as we know it will cease to exist. 2005 was the hottest year on record for this planet. That is, until 2006. Think about it.

I could quote many scientific observations from the movie, An Inconvenient Truth, but I would rather you take an evening and watch it yourself. It is available on line at, or at many retail outlets. The same companies which have bought off many members of Congress, the EPA and the Bush White House are deliberately distorting scientific fact by paying fake scientists and developers at the expense of our environment, our health, and our planet. What happened to the zero emission mandate which was nearly successful in California until the oil companies and GM had it abolished? Who paid for the demolition of the electric cars, which were new, in demand, and for which GM was offered $1.9 million by consumers?

PLEASE, read some independent scientific studies, not financed by these giant companies, and act on them. All the money and perks provided by lobbyists will not buy you back our planet. You and your descendants will reap the same future that is being bestowed on us today by Congress’ decisions. STAND UP for the American people, PLEASE! Reinstate the zero emissions mandate, nationwide. Bring back the electric cars, and initiate a plug-in hybrid. Quit dumping poisons, chemical AND electronic, into our air, including and especially those which are attempting to control the weather. Inform the public of the TRUTH about global warming; then create affordable, practical mass transit. Pay for it by abolishing the Federal Reserve. STOP these insane wars and spend the money on researching renewable energy. 2006 elections were close. The voters are watching you.


Name address


Honorable __________________
United States Congress
Washington, DC 2051


I want it on record that I am AGAINST going to war with Iran. I believe that there are financial sanctions which can be applied to work for peace. Thomas Jefferson once said, “The happiness of mankind is best promoted by the useful pursuits of peace . . . the path of peace as the only one leading surely to prosperity.”

I believe that one reason this administration is such a war monger is because they have a financial conflict of interest: many of them are stockholders of war profiteering companies such as Halliburton/KBR, L3Titan, CACI, and Blackwater, who have made billions of dollars in profits in Iraq, at the expense of our men and women in uniform. The American people voted for accountability in November, 2006. We demand Truman Commission style hearings to be held NOW to investigate these war profiteers, and prosecute those who have been gouging the American taxpayers. Laws must be changed to stop these abuses. If private contracts must be used, they should be posted and go to the lowest bidder, and they should NOT do intelligence work, or work which can be done by our military. THEY SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for both their actions and the taxpayer money which they spend.

In addition, I am shocked to learn that on Dec 8, 2006, Congress voted to approve $13,900,000,000 in tax credits for big oil companies. This, after they declared their largest profits ever in the last two years, ($93,000,000,000 in profits in 9 months of 2006 alone!) What on earth could you possibly have been thinking? Do you know that people who voted for you are freezing to death because they cannot afford to heat their homes? That little children are eating inadequate food because the cost of shipping of fresh produce is out of this world? That independent truckers who ship products YOU use are struggling to get by because of the high cost of diesel? Could you not think of a better use for $13.9 billion . . . like . . . pursuing renewable energy sources, or giving heating tax breaks to the poor and elderly?

I promise you, a copy of this letter will be going to everyone I know. The days of HIDING government abusive spending of our money is over. I expect to see a change, and a better use of my money in 2007.


Your Name

Impeach the lawbreakers-support HR1106:

Honorable ______________
United States Government
Washington, DC 2051

Dear __________________________:

I am a proud American who believes in the Constitution. I believe our country is in a grave situation, and the stakes are high. We have a president who has misgoverned, and a Congress who, so far, has refused to hold him accountable. No American is above the law, and if you allow a president to violate the law and betray the trust of the people, and continue to govern without a process for holding him accountable, what does that say about your commitment to the truth and to the Constitution?

From mushroom clouds to African yellow cake to aluminum tubes to WMDs, President Bush, along with Vice President Cheney and Secretary of State Rice presented to the American people and Congress, not facts, but a string of untruths to justify the invasion of Iraq, and thereby, using fear to buy our consent, took us to war. In addition, President Bush signed an executive order authorizing unlawful spying on American citizens, circumventing the courts, the law, and the separation of powers provided by the Constitution. Around the world, the United States is being called a dictatorship because a single man is forcing this nation to fight a war it does not want to fight. Is this no longer a Constitutional republic? If you do nothing, how can democratic rule, and the republican form of government of the United States of America, ever be restored? There is only one course of action you can take, to let these who would destroy our autonomous country know that WE WILL NOT STAND for it.

President Bush has failed to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Therefore I am asking you, as a patriotic American, to have the courage to stand up for what is right, and YOUR country’s future, and vote YES on Rep. McKinney's House Resolution #1106, or its corresponding Senate bill, to impeach these lawbreakers.

Thank you so much for giving your immediate attention to this issue.


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Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006
Posts: 525
Location: Vaccination Liberation

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:57 pm    Post subject: Vac Lib Member in Texas Opposing the Gardasil Vaccine ... Reply with quote

Vac Lib Member in Texas Opposing the Gardasil Vaccine with Letter to Newspaper

Here's a great letter to an editor (of a newspaper, I presume) that is well written by one of our Vac Lib members. It's also posted on our page below. I would encourage others in Texas to write similar letters to their newspapers and also their state representatives.

Letter to editor

Donna Voetee
Counselor of Natural Health
The Life Emporium
111 W. San Antonio
Lockhart, Texas 78644
(512) 398-7800 Office, after Mar. 1

Feb. 5, 2007

Dear Editor,

In the short time we have been residents of Lockhart, one of the most beautiful things we have noticed about families here is the respect that children have for their parents and adults in general. Young people are courteous and well-mannered, and comport themselves with modesty and aplomb.

What a shock yesterday to learn that Gov. Perry has insulted these precious children by mandating a medical procedure that presumes the young girls of Texas to be sluts.

King Perry’s intrusive executive order bypassed the legislature and the proper means of enacting a new law. In a political move usually reserved for tyrants and dictators, he has unilaterally decreed that all 11- and 12- year old girls shall submit to a controversial vaccine for sexually-transmitted cervical cancer, Gardasil. Since these children are minors and depending on their parents for their protection and well-being, essentially this is an edict for all parents to surrender their children to the state for medical experimentation.

As a Counselor of Natural Health, I oppose vaccines in principle. Vaccines cause an imbalance in humoral and cellular immunity, and violate the body’s God-given way of handling disease through the mucous membranes and white blood cells. With the possible exception of tetanus, no disease ever goes directly into the bloodstream—vaccines do. Vaccines contain toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, methyl mercury, MSG, foreign DNA from monkeys, rotten eggs, dogs, and yes, even lung tissue from aborted babies. Each dose of Gardasil (the full protocol requires three doses) contains 225 micrograms of aluminum, known to cause tangles of nerve fibers that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. That’s 675 mcg aluminum just from one vaccine. Add this to the cumulative total from all the other shots, and maybe it becomes clear why the Center for Disease Control tells us that 30% of young people have chronic illness of some kind.

I also oppose any form of mixing the DNA of one species and splicing it into another. This is an abomination called genetic engineering, and is supplanting the mark of God on His creation (“after their kind”) with the mark of a technological, proud beast who thinks he can wage war on the Omnipotent One with impunity. Gardasil contains genetically engineered bacteria. GE bacteria in our food has caused an unprecedented rise in allergies, asthma, and other chronic disease in children. What in the world can we expect when these mutated concoctions are injected into the bloodstream of pre-adolescent children?

Prudence and common sense demand an answer before making decisions for little ones whose lives depend on us. There have already been 82 cases (read: children) of serious illness due to Gardasil since this past June reported to the Vaccine Events Reporting System. The FDA tells us that only 10% of all reactions are reported, so this means there could well be 800- 900 cases of injury. This is just short-term. Long-term consequences are immeasurable. Dr. John Martin of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases has spent his life trying to undo the harm done by the SV40 virus from African green monkeys that was in polio vaccines given to children in the late 1950’s and early 60’s. Many of those children, mostly women in middle-age, now have autoimmune disorders like lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, and forms of mental illness heretofore unseen.

As a Constitutionist, I oppose any political trumping of the separation of powers. The Founding Fathers’ brilliance of bequeathing our political system with checks and balances has never been equaled. Ben Franklin told us that they gave us a Republic, “if we can keep it.” Ambitious men like Perry should be immediately removed from office, as he has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution and our sacred heritage of rule by law.

As an American, I oppose any usurping of my inalienable rights to life and liberty. Vaccines have been used worldwide as devices of population control. In the early 1990’s in Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Philippines, women (not the men, who are presumed to be more careful not to encounter rusty nails) between 12 and 49 were given tetanus shots that contained the pregnancy hormone hCG. This means that the ladies would develop antibodies to the fetus when they conceived, and a ‘spontaneous’ abortion would occur. Did these women receive full disclosure that they were submitting to sterilization when they got in line for “protection” from disease? The same good ol’ boys in the United Nations who carried out this travesty are the same ones dictating policy for our government. How do we know that Gardasil is not the “tetanus shot” for American women?

As a Christian, I oppose being a victim on the altar of Pragmatism. This is the doctrine that all truth and concepts are defined by their practical consequences. Good and evil are arbitrary, because right and wrong are not constant absolutes but evolving with society. When our government does not defer to a sovereign, holy God who says that life is sacred, but to the dollars of Big Pharma, we are on a slippery slope indeed. We, our children, and all Americans become mere chattel to be used at the whim of spurious scientists and greedy politicians. Thus, the fact that Merck lost billions on the Vioxx scandal last year and is hungrily looking to appease stockholders should be weighed carefully.

As a mother, I am mad as hell. How dare anyone give any kind of unproven medication to my daughter or granddaughter that could have unknown repercussions? How dare they!!! Does the state have a womb? Would the state lay down its life for my child? Even nature itself cries out against this, as most sentient beings know better than to disturb a mother bear with cubs, or a lioness, or even a dumb dog with her pups. Are American mothers, yea, even Texian mothers, less caring than brute animals? I think not, and I believe—I hope—that this political regime is going to get a good dose of maternal righteous indignation from El Paso to Port Arthur and Brownsville to Perryton.

Let’s not forget Texian dads and grandpas. What an insult to holy fatherhood to think that this wannabe monarch, a minion of cruel, greedy drug pushers, would presume that the men of this State would passively stand by while their daughters are medically mauled! There’s a road sign here in this great state that says it all for this Grandma, “Don’t Mess With Texas.”

Donna Voetee

“Never, Ever Lukewarm”

Author Bio

Donna Voetee and her husband have just left their native California and relocated to Texas where their children and grandchildren live. Donna believes that her son’s encounter with aplastic anemia was due to a compromised immune system due to vaccines. Donna is a Counselor of Natural Health and the author of Supermarket Survival, a series of classes she will soon be teaching in Lockhart, Texas. She can be reached at .... or at (512) 398-7800 after March 1.
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Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006
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Location: Vaccination Liberation

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:45 pm    Post subject: Short and Sweet... Reply with quote


Please reduce my NO Avian vaccine to one paragraph. A friend of mine in Congress told me Congressmen don't read our letters, they have their office personnel open them and count them by issue, and pro / con. Only one issue per envelope, please. Please write this:

Dear Congressperson:

I OPPOSE the government spending $7.2 billion of my tax money for a vaccine for Avian flu, the human version of which (virus) does not exist.

I OPPOSE mandatory vaccination of every kind.

I SUPPORT health freedom.

Thank you.
name address

Dear Congressperson:

I SUPPORT a safe food act.

I OPPOSE the FDA allowing known carcinogens and excitotoxins to be put into our food as food additives.

Thank you.

name address

Dear Congressperson:

I OPPOSE the FDA approving inadequately tested vaccines which are now being forced on our children.

I SUPPORT cleaning up the FDA to eliminate a conflict of interest among their members.

I SUPPORT eliminating all members of the FDA with a conflict of interest, and replacing them with unbiased scientists who have ONLY THE PEOPLE's HEALTH in mind.

Thank you.

name address

Dear Conressperson:

I OPPOSE the 2005 law that give drug companies protection from product-liability lawsuits for vaccines. The rate of Autism in this country is now 1 in 150 children. THIS IS WRONG!!! IT has been proven by many independent studies, including those at Mayo clinic that the rise vaccination is directly related to the rise in Autism.

I SUPPORT any law that protects citizens from the poisons which are being forced on our children by these drug companies.


Thank you.

name address

I have more if you want them. You can send them to your state reps, also.

I'm thinking about putting them on stickers and sending them as post cards.
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Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006
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Location: Vaccination Liberation

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:15 am    Post subject: [Vaccination-Liberation] Guest Opinion for all your newspape Reply with quote

I was told that Idaho Senator Larry Craig is teaming with Monsanto to push NAIS onto Idaho. Monsanto is teaming with Cargil to push it on the rest of the nation. My friend went to the NAIS website and found this letter, which the NO NAIS people have asked us to send to every newspaper we know. I plan to send this to several newspapers in Idaho. Will you guys please carry this torch to other states for me? It is essential that we let the public know what this legislature will actually do. Thank you.
Anne Chamberlain


The NAIS (National Animal Identification System) has been kept a secret from the majority of Americans. Therefore, I ask that you make known what the USDA is doing and the immense harm the NAIS will do to small farming, organic farming, anyone who owns any animal and the economy of this entire country. The USDA claims the NAIS is necessary in order to be able to track animals going into the food chain, thus, making meat safer for the American public. This is not true. The fact is, the NAIS is set up to violate the rights of all Americans who own any animal, not just livestock. Moreover, the NAIS wants to register every property that has animals on it, with the exception of the animals on large agri-business farms, which are the most likely to transport diseased meat. They only have to purchase one RFID tag for up to 30,000 animals! This is clearly a violation of the right to own personal property without the intrusion of the government. The USDA, many legislators throughout the country and the government in general has not allowed the truth about the NAIS to get to the American public because the USDA knows that it would never be allowed once the people knew how detrimental the NAIS will be, not only for the above stated reasons, but it decimates the Constitutional rights of the people of this country. For example:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

There are people in this country whose religions dictate certain dietary laws as well as others that dictate the way their food is raised and how it is processed. The NAIS violates their First Amendment right to free exercise. For example, the Old Order Amish believe they are prohibited from registering their farms or animals in the proposed program due to, inter alia, Scriptural prohibitions. There are those who raise and process their animals in the Kosher way and would not be able to comply with their religious rights. Organically raised meats would also become a thing of the past.

More and more we are becoming aware of what the chemicals, hormones and antibiotics that are fed to animals are doing to the consumer. This is why more people are wanting to buy meats from clean animals and/or raise their own. This is why Monsanto, paid to put the NAIS into law. The mega agricultural and chemical companies want to be in total control of this country’s agricultural business and they can’t do that if people are allowed to raise their own animals free of chemicals, antibiotic and hormones.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The NAIS is another way of stripping away our 4th Amendment rights. It will allow state and federal inspectors to come onto private property in search for animals to register and to identify a person’s property, now called “Premise” for the purpose of tracking animals without reason and without a WARRANT.

The problem is that those who know a little about the NAIS believe it is to track animals that are going into the food chain. Nothing could be further from the truth. This WILL NOT improve the quality of our food and in fact, may destroy a good amount of the food that is grown for personal use and that which is sold in some stores that has no chemicals, hormones or disease in it.

The intent of the USDA is to track every single animal in this country and identify the “Premise” upon which they live and put them into a national data base. This is to include every animal brought to fairs and shows, including 4H projects; every single animal sold, not just those that go through the auctions or slaughter houses. But all animals sold through private stores and off farms for people’s personal use.

Every single animal owner will be expected to report, via a computerized program, the movements of their animals, i.e. every time someone takes a horse off their property to ride on trails, every dog, cat and livestock that go to shows. Every free range chicken that gets through a fence. If these movements are not reported, heavy fines will be mandated against the animal owner.

Moreover, every private butcher will be require to have equipment for scanning tags and microchips and if the animal brought in doesn’t have one, they will be forced to turn business away and allow the animals to go to waste.

If the government really wants to protect our food supply, then this program should only include the mega dairies, feed lots, suppliers of livestock to the mega producers and all of the animals that go into the food chain. The NAIS MUST EXCLUDE people’s personal chickens, cows and goats for the milk they want to drink and meat they want to consume after raising their own animals; llamas, alpacas, other exotics, horses, pocket pets, dogs, cats and all other animals not used for food. The NAIS is outright abuse of government power and an out and out invasion of privacy and the right to own personal property without government intrusion.

The beef industry has already provided proof that the NAIS will cost the individual/small farmer thousands of dollars they can not afford. The NAIS will obliterate the small and individual farms that raise their own food and food for independent stores and restaurants that sell and serve organic and/or grass fed meats.

When the small farmer can’t afford to keep the animals due to the costs involved with the NAIS, this is going to put pet stores/co-ops/feed stores, independent grain mills, western/garden stores out of business.

This is the worse case of intrusion into the privacy of the people in this country and serves absolutely no purpose but to put the little guy out of business and provide unwanted control by the government. Our property will no longer be ours. We may own it, but the government is going to tell us what we can and can’t do with it. Abuse of this system is imminent.

If the NAIS is allowed to become mandatory, people will be fined $1,000 per day if they do not or can not comply.

Amendment XIV

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Senator Larry Craig of Idaho has boasted that he is working closely with Monsanto to push through the NAIS. How many other Senators are involved with the NAIS? Why is the government ignoring the rights of the people under the Constitution? Just how much money has passed from the mega companies like Monsanto to the hands of the legislators in order to undermine the American people’s rights?

The American public has to be alerted as to exactly what the USDA and their elected government officials are doing.


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Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006
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Location: Vaccination Liberation

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:51 am    Post subject: HPV vaccine letter to the editor, ... Reply with quote

HPV vaccine letter to the editor, plus people's comments in Billings newspaper

From Susan Pierce of Wyoming Vaccine Information Network

I wrote a letter to the editor which was published in the February 28 Billings (MT) Gazette. The neat thing is that there are several people's comments, both good and bad, after my letter. Please look at it at the above URL. It would be nice if some of you would write a supportive comment in it. Thanks in advance!

I just noticed the Billings Gazette made a mistake when they printed my HPV letter. They must have typed it instead of copying and pasting my letter.

Instead of mcg, the newspaper put meg, in the sentence: "Gardasil contains 225 meg of aluminum." Oh well. No one in the comment section seemed to notice.

First, I wrote it as a longer letter, which was printed in the Sheridan Press and in the Basin Republican Rustler. I made the one for the Billings Gazette shorter so they'd print it. I had to leave out a lot of good info.

Susan Pearce
Wyoming Vaccine Information Network

Any information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal or medical advice. Wyoming Vaccine Information Network does not necessarily agree with all the statements made in this material. The decision to vaccinate is one that must be made by you in consultation with a trusted health care provider of your choice.

Please be aware that all information that you read needs to be read carefully, keeping in mind that some of it may not be backed by facts. It is necessary to check on the sources to be certain that a statement is true. This applies to both sides of the vaccination debate.
Please contact me if you would like fewer e-mails from me.
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Woman Warrior

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:50 pm    Post subject: How to fly with No ID Reply with quote

Well, this isnt' exactly a letter, but an awesome My Space Blog from Joby Weeks. It's more of a how to, if you will.

Friday, January 12, 2007

How to fly with No ID
Current mood: chipper

As a die-hard Constitutionalist, I believe that we still have an absolute, unfettered, God-given right to travel from point A to point B without permission from the state -- on land as well as in the air.

Yet, when I step up to an airline's ticket counter, I hear the agent recite a familiar litany. The monologue goes, "has your bag been unattended; have you accepted gifts from a stranger; can I see your identification please?"

This Nazi procedure of "your papers, please" has never been appropriate for our country.

I decided to do a little research and put a few questions to the test: Do we really need government-issued ID to fly? Is this a federal law or is it just an excuse that serves the airlines' private financial goals? Isn't it our right to travel freely?

I've travel a lot in the last several months, and on those trips I researched this issue about the necessity for producing identification. I have talked with agents, and their supervisors, of several major airlines in cities across America, and have gradually pieced together my own view of the real legal situation regarding our right to travel.

I tested this finding with several airlines. When asked for identification, I produced only my Sam's Club card, or my travel agent's ID card, or a Costco card. These are all picture ID's, but they are privately issued, and do not even have a signature on them. The airline agents just freaked out, and demanded to see some state-issued ID. They routinely told me that "it was federal law!" The government absolutely required me to cough up an "official" ID card, without which the agent couldn't even THINK of letting me on the plane.

I told the agents that I could not find any federal regulation mandating that type of identification, and then asked them to cure my ignorance and please cite the regulation.

Now, at this point, individual airline agents have reacted differently. Some called in their supervisor. Alaska Air employees were the most gracious; Northwest agents were the worst -- they were rude, belligerent and hostile brats. But they all folded, every time. A particularly nasty Northwest employee marched me all the way back to the electronic detection equipment, made me pass through it a second time, and had the guard thoroughly search my carry-on bag. The same airline agent-from-hell actually made rude and demeaning remarks to me as we trudged back to the counter -- and then she let me on the plane.

Alaska Air was much more reasonable -- the agent just issued my seat pass, and commented that some people seem tenaciously to hold the thought that they have the right to travel without producing government ID -- to which I responded, "yes, amazing, isn't it -- and I'm one of them."

In Seattle, an agent said AS HE HANDED ME MY TICKET, "you know, if you don't show me any government-issued ID, I can't let you board the plane." With a smile, he said, "have a nice trip."

This isn't the fist time I've flown using only my meager privately issued picture ID cards.

Every time I used this strategy, I noticed that the agent put an orange sticker on my checked bags, and also on my seat pass on the ticket. Several agents divulged that this is the policy they are supposed to follow when a person does not show government ID. The bags simply wait in the baggage room until the person presents actually boards the plane; then the bags go on board.

On my next trip, I decided to push the envelope even further. When the Alaska Air agent made the usual perfunctory request for identification, I put on my best face, smiled sweetly, and said, "Gee, I'm so sorry, but I just don't have any ID I could show you." To my astonishment, the agent just said, "no problem -- just fill out this simple form, and present it to the counter at the airplane gate." I watched as the familiar orange sticker again went on my bag.

I have now flown twice without producing any identification whatsoever.

Northwest was actually instrumental in advancing my education about this issue. I was so aggravated by the insolent and hostile treatment that their employee gave me, (hopefully former employee, after the blistering letter I sent to the company president), that I demanded to see a supervisor on the spot. I then demanded that he produce the relevant federal regulations RIGHT NOW, or face personal liability for authorizing an unreasonable search and seizure, dereliction of duty, fraud, conspiracy, civil rights deprivation and any other legal buzz words I could think of at that moment which would justify a lawsuit against him personally, as well as his employer.

Like everyone else, he couldn't show me any statute or regulations. He even admitted that there are none.
However, he did produce a copy of Security Directive 96-05, which the Federal Aviation Agency issued to all airlines in August of 1996.

Its wording is very instructive; it reads as follows:









This document apparently goes on for ten more pages; the Northwest supervisor gave me only the first page, which contains the information printed above.

The next time I refused to produce ID and the agent freaked, I told her, "just tap up Sec-Dec 96-5 on your computer, and go to Paragraph 1, Section C. Designate me as a 'selectee,' and proceed accordingly.

She apparently thought I was an FAA undercover employee, because she said that she was "tired of you federal guys coming around" and literally spying on airline agents, "coercing us into lying to people, and essentially being the 'bag man' for an activity which has no legal requirement." I told her that I could not agree more.

Another airline employee later confirmed that FAA agents often engage in such entrapment activities, to make sure that airline agents parrot the government party line about state-issued ID.

I also hit pay dirt in a discussion with another, much nicer Northwest agent on the East coast. In a candid conversation, he told me that FAA personnel had held training sessions with all airline agents in the fall of 1996. Agents were informed directly by the FAA that they absolutely could not bar an American citizen from boarding a plane, even if a passenger refused to produce any identification at all!

I understand Delta Airline is facing two large lawsuits because employees twice denied this reality, and actually twice kept off a plane a passenger who had only private ID to show. Anyone want to own an airline, courtesy of a judge? I have personally flown Delta with only a private travel card, so I guess they already had their hand slapped.

Yet another agent in the Midwest admitted that airline personnel were deliberately and knowingly coercing people into showing government ID by saying "it's the law." According to him, the reality is that the companies are simply tired of people selling their frequent-flyer tickets. The airlines wanted to stem this practice by checking everyone's ID, but knew there would be BIG problems if they instituted this procedure as a private corporate policy. It was so much more convenient to say it was federal law and make the government the scapegoat. So this policy meets the airlines' private financial goals, and the government's goal of ever-increasing social control.

Our children watch this happen, and grow up thinking that the state has both the right to define our identity by issuing documents saying who we are, and also the right to require us to produce them on demand.

If no one complains or asserts their rights regarding travel, then another freedom is "poof" - gone.

How to travel with out ID -
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Woman Warrior

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A friend of mine flew from Las Vegas to Denver without any identification simply because she forgot her ID home. She submitted herself to search and they let her board the plane without showing anything.

Title 49 United States Code.
Sec. 44902. - Refusal to transport passengers and property

(a) Mandatory Refusal. -
The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall prescribe regulations requiring an air carrier, intrastate air carrier, or foreign air carrier to refuse to transport -
(1) a passenger who does not consent to a search under section 44901(a) of this title establishing whether the passenger is carrying unlawfully a dangerous weapon, explosive, or other destructive substance; or
(2) property of a passenger who does not consent to a search of the property establishing whether the property unlawfully contains a dangerous weapon, explosive, or other destructive substance.

(b) Permissive Refusal. -
Subject to regulations of the Administrator, an air carrier, intrastate air carrier, or foreign air carrier may refuse to transport a passenger or property the carrier decides is, or might be, inimical to safety.

(c) Agreeing to Consent to Search. -
An agreement to carry passengers or property in air transportation or intrastate air transportation by an air carrier, intrastate air carrier, or foreign air carrier is deemed to include an agreement that the passenger or property will not be carried if consent to search the passenger or property for a purpose referred to in this section is not given.

What does this mean?

Neither Congress nor the Administrator of the FAA require you to show a government issued photo ID to anyone.

The Supreme Court of the United States says that law enforcement officers can require you to show identification only if they are conducting a criminal investigation.
Brown v. Texas, 443 U.S. 47 (1979)

If you show privately issued ID, instead of government issued ID, you cannot be refused boarding simply for this reason.

The statutes and regulations show that you can only be refused boarding if you refuse to consent to a search of your person or your property.

If you show a private ID, then you are assured of having your person and property hand searched by security personnel prior to boarding at the gate.
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