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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:23 pm Post subject: Boosting Proposal |
Boosting Proposal
Something’s up. I can feel it. When I get an inspiration, it’s always before something is scheduled to happen.
There has been a lot of interference with the forum and with Lilly, C and Art because of their gifting of Nevada Test Site and Area 51. After all, the nuclear testing was postponed indefinitely because of their gifting the area.
Here’s what I propose…
All of us here have either Powerwands and/or Succor Punches.
Even though we can boost without them, I wanted to use them as a point of contact as the director of the energy.
Let’s connect to everything we’ve ever connected to and with during our boostings.
Connect to every good orgone device ever made. Cloudbusters, HHgs, towerbusters, earth pipes, etc…
Connect to the Ark of The Covenant.
Connect to PAP-IMI machines. Connect to EVERY papimi machine on the planet.
Connect to the DNA Nebula. {We found that there was some tremendously good energy from that. After all, it was created by our Creator}
Connect to the Highest LOVE frequency of Heart Island. Alicia went there astrally, and we were connected to her and the place when she did.
Connect with EVERY cetacean on the planet. Dolphins, orcas, whales, etc…
I was working on connecting with all of these while talking to Lilly in instant message. She was feeling the energy while in instant messenger, that I decided to post most of the message here so as to be able to connect to the frequency pretty easy. Anyone who can feel energy would be able to pick up the frequencies from the message.
Something that my husband sent me regarding this, and it will help you understand the power of our thoughts and intentions. It may help when deciding to boost.
This is an excellent video for every one that is involved in the Women Warriors group because it
really explains how our thought process is real energy that can be channeled as an intention creative force to change things in our lives or environment.
It even explains how our thought process affects people either in a positive or negative way.
Please add this excellent video as part of training for newbies that want to join The Women Warriors.
Here is the Google video link. It’s a long one…
[Video was pulled}
Okay, here is the instant message conversation. I took out unnecessary smileys, etc...
Lilly says:
Hey gal, troubles with the forum... don’t know if it was hacked or if it's hosting working
services4health says:
probably hacking. The Area 51 BSirians are pissed.
Lilly says:
Thinking the same
services4health says:
So that means it needs more work so they can be so disabled to the point where they can't interfere with us ANYMORE.
Lilly says:
I am pissed
Lilly says:
Working now
Lilly says:
i was boosting
services4health says:
Here's what I propose...
services4health says:
Let's get our PWs, and connect to every orgone device in the world, connect to the Ark, connect to PAPIMI, Heart Island, every high frequency stone, such as rose quartz, and boost with all those connections while holding PWs
services4health says:
Even though my PW is dead, it's still a point of contact and will still work.
services4health says:
I think if we boost with everything there is, Then a few s may just disappear for good.
Lilly says:
We can connect with them remotely as well, mine is in the other room
Lilly says:
Oh good idea, I agree
services4health says:
Yeah, I know, but I want to hold mine anyway just for the sake of it.
Lilly says:
Sent us an email for tomorrow with this proposal
Lilly says:
Okay I will bring mine here with me and boost thru it
services4health says:
Lilly says:
And we can spend 10 minutes focus boosting 10 min focus its going to be tough but good
Lilly says:
Only for the aliens
Lilly says:
Same for gov, we can also do that
services4health says:
Yeah, it will take me 4 to 5 minutes to connect to everything
Lilly says:
Sure great idea, lets do that
services4health says:
Lilly says:
Send an email around so people will know what we do tomorrow
services4health says:
See my PW is going to be the hose pipe to drown them in all the stuff.
services4health says:
Lilly says:
I will connect to my big SP as well
services4health says:
Yep, that too
services4health says:
Lilly says:
We have many, we'll connect to everything, and we can mention the good guys,
services4health says:
And we have to put our mirrors of protection up too
services4health says:
Lilly says:
Yes, can you write an email and mention everything possible, cetaceans, wild horses, whales, all charged water orgone devices, good ones, etc
services4health says:
All good devices
Lilly says:
it will be BIG
Lilly says:
Lilly says:
10 min for aliens and 10 min for freaking GOV
Lilly says:
Aliens including sirians, dracs, reptoids etc, all bad ones
Lilly says:
We need to be specific as well
services4health says:
I need 5 minutes to concentrate on connection to everything
services4health says:
My hands are already tingling though.
Lilly says:
yes 5 min to connect, its easier if you write an email and mention everything and then copy and paste it in the c-hat so we can connect
Lilly says:
Yes i feel my heart tingly.. I think it’s BIG
services4health says:
I feel a sensation in my head (crown) chakra. That means other
civilizations want to help.
Lilly says:
Actually I am still boosting, since the site was down
Lilly says:
Yes good guys, I believe they are quite a few wanting to help
Lilly says:
Hey are you going to write that email
services4health says:
Yeah, I can write it.
services4health says:
The forum is working BTW
Lilly says:
Lilly says:
I know,, I checked it and it is working, I sort of freaked when i saw the DEBUg error
Lilly says:
And started to boost like crazy
Lilly says:
Hey you can send email to ... [She gave me a list of folks to send to]
Lilly says:
Maybe few more will join....
Lilly says:
Okay I will, make sure you mention everything
Lilly says:
Maybe, let’s try... Why not, at least remotely, actually you can mention that
Lilly says:
If they don’t feel like boosting live at least they can do it remotely, and specify the time 7pm
Lilly says:
Too bad ken cannot post so we could send it to him as well
services4health says:
services4health says:
I need to put all this in a word document before I post it.
Lilly says:
So lets be specific, 10 min for s and 10 min for GOV/illuminati
Lilly says:
Cool, you rock gal, that’s a fantastic idea
services4health says:
We can use the gov bird seal to concentrate on gov
Lilly says:
And ask them to take a look at the 5 min focus boosting technique, you can put a link
services4health says:
The intentions going to all the gov
Lilly says:
services4health says:
And we need to specify local governments as well, since MOST of us are affected by our local BS govt officials
Lilly says:
you know, actually you can make it as a post under boosting requests also
Lilly says:
Going to send you the links
services4health says:
Lilly says:
I can feel your energy.. What happened to you, did you take and energizers today ?
services4health says:
I took a bunch of vitamins, some atomic iodine, and other supeopleements
services4health says:
I started connecting to some of the things mentioned, but not all of them.
Lilly says:
This link is for BOOSTING requests, where you can write the post http://www.thewomenwarriors.net/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=6
Lilly says:
Ok I will connect as well
Lilly says:
And this one is the 5 min FOCUS boosting technique, but we change it to 10 http://www.thewomenwarriors.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=303
Lilly says:
if you want the code for the active links to put in your posts let me know i will give it to you
Lilly says:
Also, mention all good souls and spirits.. We can connect with them
Lilly says:
Orgone with charged water, including zam zam, btw Art dreamt last night about zam zam , 3 of us had dreams about zam zam
Lilly says:
You can mention nebula
services4health says:
Hang on a second
services4health says:
My computer is low on space, gotta deal with it real quick
Lilly says:
rocks, and gems, crystals, and minerals, water, Reich, Samuel, lots of LOVE, plants, sky, sylphs, cloud busters, energy healers, orgone gifters, God, angels, elements ( fire, earth, metal, etc)
Lilly says:
Going to boost you
Lilly says:
ok, I am saving this conversation
Lilly says:
organic veggies and soil, trees, gees, dolphins, all vortices who spin good, portals to good dimensions, mother earth's chakras, other civilizations who want to help... oh boy
services4health says:
Lilly says:
okay gal, you have plenty to write, let me know if you need help
services4health says:
You can add all the stuff you mentioned.
Lilly says:
No... You add it , it was your idea,
Lilly says:
Make it a big post so people can read it in one shot
Lilly says:
Or whatever you feel like
Lilly says:
Okay whatever you like
services4health says:
Lilly says:
Let me know when you post it so I can make it sticky
services4health says:
I want to get back to connecting like I was a few moments ago
Lilly says:
i guess you were connected by higher souls Donna, I could feel the energy , it was very uplifting and i could feel so much energy like a huge boost
Lilly says:
Connected= contacted
services4health says:
Yeah, I felt better too all of a sudden.
Lilly says:
Very intense feeling, like someone was boosting us big time
services4health says:
Yeah, I think we're onto something with this
Lilly says:
For some reason i started to boost and I am still boosting
services4health says:
Cool, we need to go to with this same feeling.
services4health says:
We may get dreams and messages from sleeping with that feeling.
Lilly says:
I had this huge bliss before... now a muscle is twitching, wonder of anyone is boosting us
Lilly says:
I think good souls, or maybe this is a warning
services4health says:
Lilly says:
Yes... message, maybe we need to prevent something
Lilly says:
See an explosion
services4health says:
Lilly says:
2nd of June is not gone yet
services4health says:
I always have these bursts of inspirations right before major stuff.
services4health says:
Or that's been my history anyway.
Lilly says:
My left hand is buzzing now
Lilly says:
We really need to get people together tomorrow
services4health says:
Okay, let's continue the connection and feeling.
services4health says:
I think I'm on a lot of wattage here.
services4health says:
Feels like I'm hooked to a major power station or something
Lilly says:
Keep it up so while you write that you can transfer that to your writing
services4health says:
Good idea.
Lilly says:
I hope we can manage the same energy tomorrow
services4health says:
A lot of it went into this IM, as you already know.
Lilly says:
Oh yes always when you write something boost
Lilly says:
services4health says:
We'll use this IM conversation and post as a point of contact to the freq
services4health says:
I'll edit out the part about the computer files too.
Lilly says:
Going to send you code to make words, active links if you want
services4health says:
Lilly says:
Actually is simple
Lilly says:
Hold on
Lilly says:
For the word "10 minutes focus boosting" here is the code
Lilly says:
10 minutes focus boosting
services4health says:
Okay, cool
services4health says:
The question mark thingy.
Lilly says:
i know... hmmm...
services4health says:
send it in email
Lilly says:
Lilly says:
Sent the email
Lilly says:
Ok got to go now, see you later energizer
10 minutes focus boosting
Quote: | 12/07/2004 01:46:22 pm by cbswork
Here's what I know.
Golgotha is an actual place in Jerusalem. It exists. There is a crack running down the middle of it, where they put all the crosses. The crack is real.
Underneath that crack, thirty feet down, is THE ARK OF THE COVENANT, with Christ's blood covering it.
They crucified Yaeshua, right over the Ark.
Four angels guard the ark, there is a tunnel leading from the Temple on the mount to the chamber under Golgotha. THe four angels look just like you and me and DEATH to anyone who approaches the chamber, as thousands of reptoids and human dupes have found out the hard way.
Golgotha was a blood atonement, not a saving grace for christians. The ark is the permanent atoms for the planet. The reptilian presence had changed the grid lines of Earth, and human beings, from circles to square lines, in perpendicular. That was the hijacking.
WHen Longinius pierced Adonai's side, his blood flowed down, an earthquake creating the crack, and his blood flowed down over the Ark, raising it to a NEW level, beyond the ken of the reptilian races.
That's the esoteric record on the Christ event.
Check it out. |
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