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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:15 pm Post subject: Fibrosis, the Enemy of Life |
Fibrosis, the Enemy of Life.
By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.
Heavy title!
What is fibrosis? Fibrosis can be found in many forms. In women it can manifest as the estrogen driven diseases of Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts. It can also be found post operatively in the Lymphedema had after mastectomy as the fibrin clogs the lymphatic drainage channels and thickens the lymphatic fluid. In both sexes fibrosis forms the post operative scar tissue that binds the intestines, or restricts the range of motion of a limb and joint or forms thickened scars and keloids marring cosmetic surgery. Fibrosis can develop in the arteries and forms the framework around which arterial sclerotic plaque builds. In COPD, Emphysema, Asthmatic and Chronic Bronchitis patients fibrosis creates scar tissue as a spider web inside the lungs restricting their expansion and clogging alveolar sacs to prevent O2 transfer to the blood. In men fibrosis grows inside the micro blood supply and spongy tissues of the penis restricting blood flow and full expansion during erection. This is the main reason why erection size diminishes with age.
In another estrogen driven disease, Fibromyalgia, fibrosis grows on and in-between muscle bundles choking off their blood supply just as putting rubber bands around your wrist cuts off the blood supply to the hand. Along with this the microcirculation gets clogged with fibrin plugs, which further decreases blood supply. After a while without an adequate oxygen or blood sugar supply the effected tissue develop the intractable pain of ischemia. Pain meds, even opiates cannot take away ischemic pain. We know that holds true with heart attack patients and it also holds true for FMS patients.
In all of us as we age (i.e. after 27). Fibrosis grows inside of all of our internal organs diminishing their size and with that shrinkage comes a diminution of function. Med school anatomy teaches that this lowering of function is what ultimately leads to us dieing as the organs fail due to weakness.
All of this leads to a question: Why does all this seem to start after 27? Good thing to ask. At or around 27 our own production of proteolytic enzymes drops. We make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and use about half of that by 25. (That's the reason why young folks, though they make cancer cells from the first day of life don't usually develop that or most any of the other conditions mentioned, they have an adequate supply of proteolytic enzymes to fight off fibrosis and the fibrin that coats cancer cells to protect them). It is after our supply of proteolytic enzymes drops to be spread through the rest of our lifetime that we begin to develop the fibrosis conditions. (For you docs out there it's my contention that we can measure a pre morbid state from taking measures of proteolytic enzymes just as we can predict death within 3 days by measuring the levels of Dopamine. Useful diagnostic tool maybe. Nifty research tool certainly).
So if we can deal with the laying down of fibrosis as efficiently as we did as youngsters, then we would avoid or reduce much of what is trying to shorten our lives or at least make us sick or less able. (Remember how well wounds healed then with thin, strong, pliable "un bumpy" scars when you were a kid)?
Those who have read my article "The Essentials of Life and Wellness" on my totalityofbeing.com website know where I'm going to from here: The most important thing to put back into an aging body are not vitamins and minerals, not herbs, not the growth hormones but enzymes, the proteolytic enzymes. Vitamins and minerals are more properly named co enzymes and co factors in other words they are things that help enzymes to work. If the enzymes aren't there to begin with, then the vitamins and minerals have little to work on and little action. That's the reason why vitamin / mineral supplementation works so well for some and does not do squat for others, they have little of the enzymes they need to work on.
If we put in some of the primary protein eating enzymes then the body will cause the "enzyme cascade" creating thousands of new enzymes from the original 4 or 5. Everything else we do in regards to nutrition and exercise works better once we put the enzymes back into our bodies in significant amounts.
Now as regards fibrin, all proteolytic enzymes eat away at fibrin (fibrinolysis) to some degree but some are considerably stronger at that than others. If the proteolytic enzymes you put back are also very highly fibrinolytic then the scar tissue your body has been creating WILL be taken away. (This is a secret that plastic surgeons, internists and pulmonologists i.e. lung doctors, are learning about the product Vitalzym). The fibrin that is supposed to be there is marked by the body as an endogenous protein, in other words something that is supposed to be part of your structure, but excesses in fibrin, though deposited by the body, are marked as exogenous proteins - or as something not belonging in the body. Remember excesses in fibrin equal: weak structure, (by not leaving enough space for epithelial tissue to grow through the fibrin matrix), restriction of range of motion (as regards joints and muscles) and diminution of size and function (as regards to internal organs).
That is the secret behind the enzymes ability to go after that which is extra and leave behind what is needed for structure, just as it did in wound healing when you were a kid!
A major step towards a better quality of life, higher levels of health and the attainment of wellness is the removal of excesses of fibrin from our bodies. Let's get back to the enzyme levels we had at 18! We'll live longer, happier, healthier and more functional lives for it!
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Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:22 pm; edited 9 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:21 pm Post subject: The Real Causes of Heart Attacks |
The Real Causes of Heart Attacks.
By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.
For the last 30 years people have thought the cause of heart disease was, cholesterol. That was the boggy man orthodox medicine waved in front of Americans noses as the do all end all of heart disease. Control your cholesterol and you'll avoid heart disease. So for the last 30 years Americans have dramatically lowering their fat intake: who eats steady diets of deep fried foods anymore, who still cooks with lard, even Kentucky Fried Chicken changed their cooking technique and name to reflect the nations wanting to reduce their fat intake. And, by and large the targets that were set by medicine were met. In 1966 after Harvard's famous Framingham cholesterol study, the public was told that a cholesterol count of 300 was good. That was easily accomplished mostly via diet alone, but the rate of heart disease and heart attack did not go down!
Then in the 80's the number was dropped to 244, that was the gold standard for a while. That figure was harder to get to, both diet and exercise were needed by most to accomplish the task but again by and large the target was met. Again there was no drop in heart disease or in the death from heart attack figures. Instead of wondering whether they were chasing the wrong boggy man, as physicians the world over were telling US doctors, American heart health authorities stuck to their guns about cholesterol being the near do all end all of heart disease. There was even a Niteline show with Ted Koppel in the early 90's where cardiologists from around the world were gathered and asked why American's had so much heart disease! The foreign docs pounded the American experts for their dependence on cholesterol as their most important marker of heart health.
Around this same time drug companies had developed a slew of cholesterol lowering drugs called Statins. This gave even more incentive to stick to their guns about cholesterol, and the authorities lowered the target figure once again to under 200. Now most people needed drugs to get close to that figure. (Could there have been any relation between the invention of the drugs and the lowering of the cholesterol target to one that most folks couldn't meet with out the drugs? No, couldn't be that would be a conspiracy theory)! By the way these cholesterol drugs have been found to cause lower extremity nerve damage, decrease memory, increase chances of breast cancer, cause liver damage and death. (1,2). A press release about one of these drugs in December of 2003 stated that the drugs was in itself causing heart attacks!
All this silliness about cholesterol continued until the late 90's when a good number of very young, extremely fit 30 to 40 somethings dropped dead of heart attacks. Autopsy's found they had not a whit of athero sclerotic (cholesterol) plaque anywhere in their arteries! So what killed them!
Well, what these victims did have were very, very high levels of inflammation in their blood vessels. It was then that the work of a researcher who had been fired from Harvard for saying cholesterol was not the primary cause of heart attacks, was rediscovered and realized by medical world to be true. This researcher had said that vascular inflammation could close the blood vessels as tightly as athero sclerotic plaque could and bring on a heart attack. He asserted that measuring a marker for inflammation called C Reactive Protein was a better indicator of heart health then measuring cholesterol! (Later in the decade he sued Harvard for wrongfully firing him and won).
So, first and foremost we have the primary cause of heart attack, vascular inflammation. What is this and how does it set in? Vascular inflammation is a result of stress, some thing we have in abundance and something those high intensity 30 and 40 somethings who keeled over had multiplied in their lives. Those heart attack victims had been under stress since school making good grades, jumping into careers, starting and managing families, exercising or over exercising regularly (many were marathoners and tri athletes); in other words most of every second of every day was filled with activity and the rush of getting from one task to another.
In causing vascular inflammation another effect kicks in. Inflammation is a form of trauma that creates fibrosis. Yes, our old nemesis returns! When the intima, (inside wall of a blood vessel), swells they are irritated and stretched. The body reacts to this insult by weaving fibrin into the walls to strengthen what it sees as a weak point. This fibrin causes the blood vessels to lose their expandability and elasticity. This is the primary stage of hardening of the arteries. It's only in the later stages of hardening that spider webs of fibrin grow on weak points inside the lumin (hole) in the artery and on that matrix cholesterol plaque accrues and plugs up the works making matters worse. During this entire process if the stress remains the inflammation remains and the cycle continues.
So it's the inflammation that kicks off the process of hardening of the arteries and athero sclerotic plaque. The combination of the swelling and plaque closing the lumin of an artery can cause trouble. But remember it has been found that the inflammation alone may be severe enough to close off the blood vessel creating a heart attack!
Mineral deficiencies can make matters worse still by creating irregularities in the heart beat. Calcium is the electrolyte responsible for muscular contraction, magnesium is the mineral electrolyte responsible for muscular relaxation. Muscles in magnesium deficit spasm. Remember calcium = contract magnesium = relax. When the body lacks magnesium then calcium gets into the magnesium channels producing a contract – contract signal instead of the contract - relax signal and there you have arrhythmias.
So what's a true all encompassing plan to increase heart health? Any scheme to better the health of the heart and blood vessels needs to start at the source, stress and it's resultant inflammation. I'm supposing that most folks out there have their lives so regimented that lowering the stress levels likely is not possible so we'll work from the next stage.
To lower vascular and any other inflammation, lower C Reactive Protein levels, eat away at fibrin and reduce arterial plaque:
Vitalzym at least 3 to 5 capsules 3 times a day.
To lower C Reactive Protein marker:
Vitamin B 12, 1000 mcg daily.
Folic Acid, 400 to 800 mcg daily.
Use the sublingual, (under the tongue liquids as absorption is much better).
To increase tissue oxygenation in the heart:
Co Q 10 (oil based, not dry), 300 to 500 mg daily.
Vit. E (mixed tocopherols) 400 to 800 IU's daily.
To regulate heart beat:
Magnesium 1000 to 2000 mg daily.
Gaia Solid Hawthorne Extract 1/4 teaspoon in warm water 3 to 4 times a day.
To lower cholesterol, improve HDL to LDL ratio:
Lecithin Granules, 1 tablespoon daily. (Don't use the capsules as it take 12 to 19 capsules to equal one tablespoon of the nutty tasting granules).
Optional for cholesterol:
Cod Liver Oil, 1 tablespoon daily.
Olive Oil 2 tablespoons daily.
Aerobic exercise:
8 to 24 minuets of work at target heart rate no more than 3 times per week. For the rational behind this see my article titled: “How To Keep From Having A Heart Attack; Do Less Aerobic Exercise” found in the articles section of www.totalityofbeing.com.
For Marfans Syndrome patients add:
MSM 1000 mg daily
Rutin 1000 mg daily.
It goes with out saying that if you can lower your stress levels by doing less, compressing less into your day and worrying less, that should be done. But for most folks these crazy days that's much easier said than done. So, it behooves us to do the things that can be done so as not to become a statistic.
1) www.mercola.com
2) Mortimer, J.E., Axelrod, R., Zimbru, K. Sentara Norfork General Hospital, Norfolk VA.: Effect of Statins on breast cancer incidence. Proc An Soc Clin Oncol, 22, page 93, 2003.
Arthur Andrew Medical - Serretia 90c
Serr'tia is the world's strongest Serrapeptase with a minimum activity of 250,000 SPU's per dose. Originally discovered in the intestine of silkworms, the proteolytic enzyme Serrapeptase is harnessed by Arthur Andrew Medical through the isolation of the microorganism, Serratia E-15. Serrapeptase?s inherent ability to digest dead tissue enables the enzyme to successfully aid in degenerating scar tissue, cysts, blood clots, arterial plaque and allows for more fluid and natural blood flow throughout the body.
Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol AFD Advanced Fibrin Defense
Arthur Andrew Medical
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Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:21 pm; edited 8 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:38 pm Post subject: Liquid Energy and Eating My Words |
Liquid Energy and Eating My Words!
By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.
As many of you know one of my areas of intensity in the last 15 or so years has been in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. As an CFS/FMS patient (since 1990) and working in centers that specialized in CFS/FMS treatment exposed me to literally hundreds if not thousands of treatments of all types from drugs, to hands on, to electrical, to nutritional to some pretty far out space energy type stuff. What finally worked I wrote about in my book “10 Natural Treatments You Haven't Heard of Until Now”.
Since then, docs of every description, homeopathic drug reps, a good few nutritional companies, and almost every pyramid marketing scheme around have presented me with their “sure fire” cures and treatments for CFS/FMS. All of them, they asserted were a godsend. In actuality very few of them have had any kind of positive physiological effect and most were just plain not worth a rats butt. In those years of searching I met Multi Level Marketing entrepreneurs who claimed their products were exclusive, not findable elsewhere, produced miraculous results and by the way were super expensive. A search of the health food shelves or journals would inevitably find the same product under a different name already being offered on the retail market for a lot less money. Having been burned by 2 or 3 MLM products and companies I gave up on them.
(The last time I trusted one was in the early 90's when the developer of one such product was a rehab patient of mine. We were trying to improve his circulatory system. The kindly, nearly deaf old gentleman I was told had invented everything from TV dinners to latex paint. His herbal product was supposed to be THE cure all, developed by him as the product of his extensive research. Well scandal came to pass, thankfully after the old gentleman's moving on to a different phase of existence. He had not invented anything, nor did he have the scientific background the company claimed he had. Worse yet the elixir had actually been in use in the mountains of Austria for centuries and he had received the formula for the stuff from his grandmother! The company collapsed, and the folks in whose down line I was in went from making 90 grand a month to bankruptcy in a short time. You’d figure they would have been able to save some in the few years of making big money but you know how the Nouveau Riche spend... well that's a another story).
So I stuck to what was available outside of the multi level health food industry for years and was very happy and content with the products I've used, recommended, developed and endorsed. Then someone with a really good line caught hold of my ear and got me to look at the ingredients for a health increasing liquid supplement. Gosh, not another MLM, I thought to myself. (I still get several offers to join or endorse MLM products every year. All of which I slam the door to and say no). Reflex was going to say, thanks but no thanks yet once again when I noticed that most of what was in this stuff were adaptogenic herbs I had recommended be used together as “a pick me up elixir” some time ago only to be told by the company I was dealing with then that they could not do it. Aside from the herbs I recognized there were a few ones that were new to me and on some study seemed fascinating and full of potential. So putting aside my better judgment, I bought into the company to try the product.
When it arrived, both my wife (who is also a CFS/FMS patient and currently then in flare up) and I tried it. It took a few days to get used to the taste, which really isn't bad once you get used to it. After 2 days my wife, who during her most recent period in FMS flare up had to sleep until 10 AM, was waking up at 6:30 and ready to go. She did not “poop” out at 2 or 3 pm and need a nap. She worked sharply through her day, tending to our business, her publishing and our toddler, still awake and alive into the evening. When she went to bed she thought she would have trouble going to sleep as she still had plenty of energy but she went under a few minuets after her head hit the pillow, sleeping soundly until about 6:30 the next AM!
As for this run down old jock, from day one I noticed a sharpening of my thinking and mental abilities. My energy is up, as is my libido (an effect the Mrs. shares), and where I had been stale and stuck in some of the weight exercises I do, by week two my old level of weights felt light and I added 25 lbs of resistance to my major upper body exercise blasting my way out of the sticking point!
At this point you might ask what vitamins could have this type of effect on the body. The truth is no vitamin can do this BUT adaptogenic herbs can. What is an ADAPTOGEN? An adaptogen is an herb, enzyme or substance, which restores a body system to it normal function (homeostasis). Put enough different adaptogens together to right different systems and you've increased the function of the whole body. For centuries Asians, Native Americans, those in India and the people of the Caucasus have used adaptogenic herbs to over come stress, debilitation, the weakening of old age, and the internal organ dysfunctions that accompany sickness and age. In most recent times the Russian army of World War 2 was fed a constant diet of these herbs as elixirs to combat their fatigue and sharpen their minds. The science of adaptogenic herbs has just come to be recognized in the US.
Some formulators in the health food industry are more advanced and knowledgeable than others in creating adaptogenic products for commercial sale. Here comes the twist, the liquid energy product was developed exclusively for the MLM company that sells it because the formulator runs the company. Look as hard as I could I have not seen the product for sale on the store shelves under a different name or label. There's just no getting this stuff without going through the company. Which on inspection turned out not to be a bad thing. The company is sound financially, well managed, has several BIG named authors, doctors, exercise gurus and an actress or two endorsing not only the product but the business. They have a liver detox product that helps folks to lose weight while they purify their bodies, I've tried the detox and it works. Overall a good spectrum of affordable products that actually work and do more than they are touted to. But back to the elixir.
If this company (which by the way is called Isagenix) had no other product than the liquid energy tonic (called Ionix Supreme) they would still have my ringing endorsement and have me singing the benefits of this tonic from the rooftops. THIS is the energy source Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients have been searching for. This is the energy formula tired run down teens, moms and businessmen and women need. This is the function restoring adaptogen tonic the highly stressed out, over worked, over exercised and debilitated need to regain their function.
Like the other products I recommend, you can tell when it's working, you won' have to guess. If all you want is the energy get on the Ionix Supreme. If you want a business you can parley into good money aside form increasing your health look into that side of it as well. If you are run down or over 27 you owe it to yourself to feel as good as you did as a kid. I take no shame in eating my words about MLM's, there's one whose products are exclusive and more importantly they really work and you can tell.
To obtain Ionix Supreme or other Isagenix products go to Amazon.com.
Dr. Wong's Articles by Category - Condition
Also, we have found that intraMAX, intraMIN by Drucker Labs to be a superior product as well. Drucker Labs intraCell Technology is a proprietary manufacturing process in which nutrients and minerals are bound with organic carbon from fulvic acid. The result of this technology is a product enriched with organic carbon that is highly bio-available and efficacious. They also make a children's formula called intraKID.
Tangy Tangerine by Youngevity is a great basic Vitamin/Mineral formula.
Both of the above use Methylcobalamin as their form of B-12. This is VERY important.

Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:35 pm; edited 11 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:43 pm Post subject: |
Women’s Fibrosis Diseases.
By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.
Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis; all words women dread hearing of in relation to themselves or their loved ones. Why does it seem that these diseases are becoming more common now than they were a generation or two ago and why is it that with all of the money thrown into “research” on combating these maladies, conventional medicine seems no closer to an answer (or cure) now than they were before the moneys started pouring in? And lastly, since standard drug / surgery based medicine seems helpless against these diseases (except for hair of the dog treatment as we’ll see), is there anything in Natural healing that can be used to combat these ills?
Let’s first look at what the root cause of these related conditions is. What generates fibrosis? Well two things: 1) Trauma. i.e. accidents, strains / sprains, contusions, surgery, damage to tissue caused by disease etc. 2) Estrogen. I’ll be so bold as to make a blanket statement – ALL women’s fibrosis diseases are driven by estrogen! "Can’t be", you say! You’re MD gave you estrogen to treat those conditions! Yes they did. It’s like drinking a Bloody Mary to cure a hangover, “the hair of the dog that bit you” treatment. Did the conditions get any better? Did they go away, or did they just continue on? Are you being told that the only way of getting rid of it all is the knife? Thought so. The estrogen peddlers in the pharmaceutical industry are doing a “cover their butts” act for all the estrogen they’ve been peddling these last few decades. They hear the product liability lawyers sharpening their knives and getting ready to go after them. Let me explain why and what the drug folks are doing.
Hardly a month goes by without another study showing estrogen and estrogen replacement therapy is causing everything from fibrosis to cancer. In case you did not know the estrogen variant Estradiol (E2) is listed as a known carcinogen! Didn’t know that? Thought so. It’s impossible to calculate or imagine how many women in the last 4 decades have come down with cancers of various types due to estrogen replacement therapies. Is getting the big CA worth fighting hot flashes? To make it seem as if they have been on the right track all along the drug companies are trying to find variants of their estrogen’s that will undo some of the damage they’ve done. One example is the use of Tamoxifin to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer. Yes it seems to work but have the patients using this drug been told of the higher incidence of cervical and uterine cancer from taking the medication? Not many have been so informed.
The CYA has become so intense that the estrogen peddlers and now seeming to blame progesterone, a woman’s most benign, protective and beneficial hormone for breast cancer! It seems that the “researchers” have found that gals with breast CA have an inordinately large number of empty progesterone receptors in their breasts so in their wisdom they surmise that progesterone must have something to do with breast disease. This is spin on an enormous scale. Let’s see what fact is: When tissues are overloaded with estrogen tissues create NEW estrogen receptors to fill. On the opposite side of each estrogen receptor is a progesterone receptor just begging to be filled to balance and offset the overabundance of estrogen! So all those empty progesterone receptors found in breast cancer patients attest to the fact that there is too much estrogen on the other side of the receptor. Get it? Since most laymen and even physicians don’t know that simple fact of endocrine physiology, the drug dealers can get away with their deception.
It’s CYA work such as this which has kept the lawyers at bay so far. But not for long. With the increasing amount of evidence damming estrogen of ALL sorts from that derived from horse urine to soy isoflavones, it’s time to call a spade a spade and put your foot down. Gals, if you want to control your fibrosis diseases and possibly even be rid of them you’ve got to get your estrogen in check. Even if for posts menopausal gals it means having hot flashes. The product liability lawyers will eventually get on with their work of taking apart the pharmaceutical companies just as they did the tobacco industry, but the rest of womankind suffering with the fibrosis conditions can’t wait for the bad news about estrogen to filter down from the ivory towers of official medicine.
Official medicine has just admitted that there are good cholesterols and that those good fats can prevent heart disease! That’s something the natural docs have said for over 40 years. Orthodox medicine has just “made” these grand discoveries! Can you afford to wait 40 years for orthodox medicine to do a Mia Culpa and say it was wrong about estrogen? How many women will suffer, how many women will be infertile, how many women will contract cancer before conventional medicine admits estrogen based HRT is hurting more than helping?
Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now and get down to the business of relieving these conditions starting from its foundations, then tackling its effects and symptoms.
Phase 1: Getting at the root cause, estrogen dominance.
There are a few ways to reduce estrogen dominance. And before I get deluged with questions from post menopausal gals, yes it’s possible to be estrogen dominant even if you’ve gone through menopause and you have lower estrogen production. It happens this way; you’re still making some estrogen, but since you don’t have to have periods or get pregnant anymore you’ve basically stopped making progesterone. Not only that since you don’t need to have a libido or be romantic any more, since you’re not reproducing, your body has stopped making testosterone as well. The only sexual hormone you’ve got left is the big E; the I am grouchy, I’m depressed, my moods are swinging and I’m getting fat from my waist to my knees hormone.
Tools to control Estrogen Dominance:
Natural Progesterone Cream: Controls and balances estrogen production increases bone density better than estrogen, improves mood, fights depression, can increase libido. For young gals follow label directions for application. For post menopausal women use 1 application twice per day 12 hours apart for 25 days then take 5 days off.
Myomin: This Chinese herb blend has been shown in hospital research to control Estradiol (E2) and to reduce both the number and size of Fibroids, Fibrocystic Breast Cysts, Ovarian Cysts. Follow label directions.
DIM: Stands for Di Indole Methane, an estrogen blocker and metabolizer (it gets rid of estrogen from the system) made from cabbage. Don’t use DIM’s byproduct I 3 C. Though this is what DIM turns into in the body to block estrogen, I 3 C by itself has almost no shelf life and there fore most I 3 C products are dead in the bottle and have little or no effect.
Tool to control symptoms and eat away at the fibrin:
Vitalzym: Systemic enzymes have been shown in research to reduce the engorgement (swelling and pain) of fibrocystic conditions. Along with that the fibrinolytic action (6) can eat away at the cysts / fibromas them selves, reducing their size or eliminating them all together over time!
When I recommend the above combination I’m often asked if all of the Estrogen control measures need be taken together or if one measure alone will do. I believe in fighting an all-encompassing battle not just a war on one front. While I’ve seen each of the individual approaches succeed, I’ve also seen each of the individual approaches fail, but together they have an extraordinarily synergistic and sweeping action. And of course the must have is the Vitalzym; with out the enzymes your are fighting the formation of new cysts, or fibroids but not aggressively eating away at those already existing. The goal is their complete elimination, this may take time though in two reports I’ve received from fibrocystic breast disease sufferers, one gal even being an MD, the cysts and everything related to them were gone in a mater of weeks! I hope you are all so lucky.
Dr. Wong's Articles by Category - Condition

Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:24 pm; edited 5 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:19 pm Post subject: The Case of the Disappearing Spider Veins |
The Case of the Disappearing Spider Veins.
By: Dr. William Wong ND, PhD.
Three years ago I was working with a fibromyalgia / lower back patient restoring her strength and ability. She had been debilitated by fibromyalgia for some 5 years prior and had strained her back while attempting to cope with life in a weakened state. For the 20 years prior this 40’s something gal had been an executive for a well known cosmetics company. Along with the rehab and general strengthening exercises we were doing, I had her start taking Systemic Enzymes as a natural no side effect way to relieve the inflammation causing her back pain and, to eat away at the fibrosis of her Fibromyalgia. (Fibrosis is the actual cause of the ischemic muscle pain of fibromyalgia).
Three months went by with this determined gal exercising hard, getting stronger raising her energy levels and improving her ability to do the all important Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s). One day she bounces into the office and announces that not only is her back and Fibromyalgia pain mostly gone but a great many of her spider veins had disappeared and her varicose veins no longer hurt! It had to be something we were doing she said, either the exercise or the enzymes because nothing else was different in her life or daily routine!
After a bit of head scratching and research diving we discovered it was mostly the enzymes that were doing the trick. Yes, large range-of-motion resistance exercise pushes the pooled blood out of the stretched blood vessels and can temporarily drain them. Yet, in all the decades of exercise research, no one has ever found a way of making spider veins go away or reducing the flaccidity of veins that are already fully stretched out (varicosed) using exercise of any sort.
So what are enzymes? Enzymes are “bio-catalysts” they cause chemical reactions to happen. We have some 3000 enzymes and over 7000 enzymatic reactions in our bodies. Without enzymes we would be stone cold dead! Moreover, enzymes are essential for vitamins and minerals to work. Everyone has experienced the fact that even though a certain vitamin or mineral is supposed to do a particular thing, it does not work for everyone the same way all the time. Most of us take supplements and really can’t tell whether they are working or not. One person might feel great another not feel any good effect at all.
Vitamins and minerals are misnamed, they are really co-enzymes and co-factors. In other words, they are things that make enzymes work better; but what if you don’t have much of the enzymes to begin with? Then the co-enzymes won’t work! In our youth we made a slew of enzymes, that’s what kept us young, strong, without pain, healing quickly and frankly looking good. After the age of 27 Physiology teaches that we enter “old age”! That’s right 27! From 27 to 35 we have the fastest and steepest drop in our health, looks and ability we’ll ever have in less than a decade. Why?
Enzymes or the lack of them are the trigger to aging. Dr. Max Wolf MD and Ph.D. x 7 is the fellow who discovered the enzyme / aging relationship while he was doing research at Columbia University in the 1930’s and 40’s. He found that the body makes a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime. We use up a good many of them in our youth and so round about 27 the body slows down the release of it’s protein cutting enzymes (the most important ones), and then begins to dole them out with an eyedropper instead of a tablespoon as it did before. And further, every year it produces less and less enzymes in order to stretch life out a little further. What happens as this depletion progresses? The hydrolytic / proteolytic (protein cutting) enzymes are responsible for hundreds of things but their most important actions are:
1). They are the bodies’ first line of defense against inflammation. Think of when you were a kid, you walked off or shrugged off injuries that now would lay you up for a week. Enzymes.
2). Enzymes control the rate and accuracy of healing. They speed healing without allowing the build up of scar tissue. Think of the wounds you healed as a kid, with their thin, strong, plyable, almost invisible scar. Now think of your wounds lately, thicker, knotty with scar tissue, not as strong and certainly not invisible!
3). Though the development of fibrosis conditions such as Fibro Cystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids and Endometriosis are all linked with being Estrogen Dominant, fibrosis conditions of all types cannot happen or are dramatically lessened if there are enough strong protein cutting enzymes present in the body. Here the enzymes eat away at the fibrosis the body does not need!
4). They also clean the protein coating that connective tissue builds up (polymerization). Why is that important? Well if the connective tissue is under the skin and holding it up, when it develops a coating of protein, it won’t hold water any more and collapses – bingo you’ve got a wrinkle. Restore the water holding ability of the connective tissue and the wrinkle is gone or eased considerably.
5). Enzymes regulate immune function. If the system is to run down, the enzymes will increase the cleaning / killing action of the white blood cells on bugs and increase the bodies production of good things called Natural Killer cells. If the immune system is running to high and creating auto immune conditions such as MS, Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis, then the enzymes will down shift the immune system, control inflammation and eat the antibodies the immune system is creating to attack it’s own tissue!
6). Protein cutting enzymes clean the blood of all the debris the liver can’t manage to clear out of the blood on the “first pass” or the first time the garbage goes thought the liver in the blood. This purifies the blood and makes it flow easier. Not only do they clean the blood, the enzymes also strengthen blood vessel walls and open micro circulation passages clogged with fibrin improving circulation overall.
Even if they didn’t make spider veins disappear, all those actions listed above are enough of a reason to go and supplement enzymes for the rest of your life.
The Systemic Enzymes effect on spider veins was discovered when patients in Europe, where doctors prescribe systemic enzymes, reported the clearing up of spider veins and easing of varicose vein discomfort. Studies done afterward on the effect of oral enzymes in circulatory diseases confirmed the casual findings.
Now be warned; just like anything else that works, there are some folks who will turn out a like product that won’t. Enzymes are finicky living critters and if not handled just right during the blending, tableting or encapsulation process they will die and not ever work. I had my wife Michele on a load of a leading systemic enzyme to prevent the formation of scar tissue after the emergency c-section birth of our son. To my astonishment almost a year afterward, her scar tissue development was extensive. It ran from the incision to just under her ribs, and wound into the abdomen threatening to choke off her intestines! (That danger usually requires surgery to free the bowels). Her “bubble” of spider web like scar tissue was palpable (touchable) from the outside and was even restricting her leaning back. I changed to a different enzyme product and in 6 weeks the scar tissue was completely and totally gone – eaten away safely and painlessly!
“Sounds like fairy dust; too good to be true” you say! Look up the recommended readings below and convince yourself otherwise that spider veins, wrinkles, inflammation and fibrosis are not incurable conditions. Remember beauty beings on the inside!
Recommended reading:
Enzymes the Fountain of Life by: D. A. Lopez MD. R.M. Williams MD, and K Miehlke MD. Published by Neville Press 1994.
The Complete Book of Enzyme Therapy by: Anthony Cichoke DC. Published by Avery 1999.
Dr. Wong's Articles by Category - Condition

Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:26 pm; edited 5 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: Fighting Viruses, and Winning; From the Flu to Bio Terrorism |
Fighting Viruses, and Winning; From the Flu to Bio Terrorism.
By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.
A virus cannot be killed using antibiotics. Those medications are meant to slay bacteria, which are a whole different class of critter altogether. Viruses cannot be feld by using herbs, colostrum, or any of the popular multi level marketing products touted as being immune enhancer's and germ fighters. The nastier viruses will not succumb to extremes in body temperature either fever or cold. In short viruses are perfect weapons because they can't easily be done away with.
Why, you ask is it so difficult to overcome a virus? What makes it so special that they can survive vaccines, poisons, sulfa drugs, antibiotics, herbs and most anything else science can think of throwing at them? Lets look into what it takes to be a virus and see what makes them tick.
Viruses live by a certain code of laws known as Koch's postulates. There are suppositions based on observations of the behavior of germs. First let's say that a virus is the one of the smallest bits of stuff our bodies can react to. Just as a for instance: if you dropped a bacteria on a piece of unglazed china, that bacteria is so big that it would get caught in the pores of the porcelain. A virus on the other hand is so small that it would fall right through the pores and get through to the other side of the dish! A bacteria is a living thing, it has a life span it eats, it poops, and has sex (with your DNA), and so it reproduces. Once it gets old a bacteria dies. Not so with a virus. A virus is not technically a living thing. Viruses have no life span; they can become dormant when sneezed onto a pile of dirt. Forty years or so down the road when a wind blows fragments of that dirt bearing the tiny virus into someone's nose, the bugger will become active again!
Every virus you've ever acquired either from exposure or injection (like the polio shot), is "alive" and well and sleeping next to your spinal chord! A recent issue of the Lancet, the prestigious journal of the British Medical Association, reported that out of 140 patients with chronic lower back pain, 114 of them had viruses that had migrated from where they were "sleeping" and had seeped into the injury, causing chronic inflammatory conditions. Many folks are familiar with Chicken Pox coming back to haunt seniors with suppressed immune systems as the disease of Shingles (Herpes Zoster), or as it's extremely painful and potentially deadly cousin Hepatic Neuralgia (liver nerve pain). Many of the viruses we were injected with as children in the good faith effort to keep us from getting infections have come back to haunt us in later life.
Many doc's now believe that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibro Myalgia are nothing more than Post Polio Syndrome in those who received the live cell (mildly active strain) polio oral inoculation instead of the dead (chopped to pieces) Salk vaccine! Pointing to the correlation between the brain swelling and 30 some odd common symptoms that occur in Polio, Post Polio Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the English medical establishment calls Chronic Fatigue "Myalgia Encephalitis" (muscle pain with brain swelling) to denote the connection of these three diseases. Here in the States the liability issues for doc's, governments and drug companies are too great for anyone in the medical establishment here to admit a connection between the live virus vaccine and the later onset of debilitating disease.
A virus comes to life so to speak when an active virus (one with an intact exterior protein coating) comes in contact with your bodies' cells. When they touch that exterior coating forms a connection to our cells called an Isoprin bond. Through that connection the virus latches onto our DNA (yes a virus IS that small) and it begins to spin off reproductions of itself in great big speedy numbers (viral load). Remember about that isoprin bond, it will become really important to us in a moment.
Viruses are constantly, mutating with some viruses changing faster than other strains. That change in its genetic form makes it almost impossible to formulate any kind of vaccine that will make one immune to some viruses. The ones that mutate the most, like the flu and HIV, look very different this year than they looked last year and they are almost unrecognizable to most eyes from the strains had a decade or two ago. (That's also why last years flu bug in this years flu shot are nearly always useless. The only one's gaining a benefit from the shots are the vaccine companies).
So with all that background is there anything we can do when to not let those little bits of genetic material procreate inside of us? Let's look in to the research that's been done here in the States and in Europe.
As I stated before, viruses mutate. So building an antivirus vaccine for one bug might not have much of an effect on it brother two or three generations down the road. So that line of thinking is of waste of time. The vaccine companies will argue with me but no less an agency than the US Office of Naval Research has agreed with me. They are following an entirely different track - protein eating (proteolytic) enzymes. Yep, the same things that control your digestion, clean your laundry and are your bodies first line of defense in:
Fighting Inflammation. (1).
Eating Fibrosis and scar tissue. (2).
Modulating Immune Function. (3).
Cleaning the Blood, (4).
Enzymes can also be the first line of defense against a virus!
Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
The doc's in the Office of Naval Research know that it would be impossible to make up new anti-viral vaccines as fast as a) the bad guys can make new bugs or b) as fast as the virus itself can mutate. So to cover all of the bases instead of going after the particular genetic coding a virus may have, they are going after the thing that allows that bugger to replicate, it's coating!
In research against viruses, systemic enzymes have been found to greatly reduce the viral load by rendering the little guys inert. The trick to having enzymes work is to take enough of them. Some 5 to 10 tablets 3 times a day! Why so many tablets? Enzymes are huge and you with the molecular weight of enzymes ranging from 24,000 to 36,000 Daltons. For comparison vitamin c has a molecular weight of 6! Those facts make one have to take more of the tablets to have the anti-viral effect. Enzymes are non-toxic (no LD-50 exists). The US Defense Department is now bringing a prescription systemic enzyme preparation through FDA approval for fighting viruses. We don't have to wait for that. The strongest systemic enzyme available on the planet today is Vitalzym from World Nutrition. MD's as well as alternative docs are flocking to the product for because of the strength and speed of its various actions. The usual dose for fighting viruses is 5 capsules 3 times a day. Since there is no toxic level for enzymes more can be taken if needed.
So much for enzymes, what else can one take to "kill" viruses? Oxygen! The air we breathe does not contain a strong enough concentration of O2 to do in these bugs. Due to pollution, lack of deep breathing (from to lack of exercise), due to lots of factors, the 21% concentration of O2 in the air and 90% or less concentration of O2 in our blood is not enough to singe viruses. First, let's explain two things. First - all disease states and what precipitates them are anaerobic, that means the bad guys inside us do not live on oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is dependent on glycogen for life not oxygen. In other words viruses, bacteria and cancers all breathe blood sugar. When these nasties are exposed to high concentrations of O2 they "burn" and die. (7,8).
Point #2. All disease states need or do best in an acidic internal body environment. You innards are composed of salt water at a 0.9 concentration. Your blood, your lymphatic fluid, your tears - all salt water. Salt water is basic, that is the opposite of an acid. From our hectic, stressful, junk air junk food, run run lifestyles we are all mostly acidic inside. Some of us are SO acidic that we can tarnish gold jewelry! The ancients disinfected a wound with salt so that no bugs could grow in it; they had increased that tissues alkalinity. In so doing they took away the environment bugs could live and grow in. If we increase our pH back to normal (alkaline) then between that and having a high O2 concentration in our blood and tissues we have created a terrain within us that bugs cannot live or grow in. (9).
OK, where do I get the oxygen from and how do I get alkaline? First the oxygen. It comes out of a little bottle and it's called K0-7. For prevention mix 10 drops in a glass of water and drink this mixture 2 to 3 times a day. When exposed to or actually fighting off a bug, use 20 to 30 drops in a glass of water 4 times a day. There are no side effects to the O2 release this nifty liquid produces in our blood and tissues. Your O2 percentage in the blood will increase 3 to 5 % in just 5 minuets or less!
Next we get to becoming alkaline. This is best and most safely done by using coral calcium. The minerals here are so bioavailable the powder melts on your tongue. The bioavailable calcium combined with the 72 other trace minerals have a whopping 84% absorption rate. If the coral calcium cannot lower your acidity and make you more alkaline your already dead!
These anti viral techniques have worked well for the researchers and patients who have used them. In my own experience I have been susceptible to lung infections since child hood and could set my yearly clock by when I caught bronchitis or had full blown pneumonia each and every winter since I was an infant. The last 3 years I have not come down with either bronchitis or pneumonia. As a matter of fact I haven't even caught so much as a cold! I have even flown long distances next to passengers overcome with the flu who were coughing, sneezing and suffering with a heavy fever and chills. I did not catch so much as a sniffle, these techniques so well!
These insane days viruses seem to be everywhere. New bugs are infecting man all the time, and we live in fear of some terrorist releasing a deadly viral concoction on us all; we need the tools to defend our health and the health and well being of those we love. Conventional medicine offers no hope against viruses. Using the combination of internal terrain altering with ample oxygenation, high enzymes and slick coatings most of us can avoid viruses latching on to us in the first place or fight them off handily if they've already found a home in us.
von Kameke, E.; Inflammation and it casual therapy using hydrolytic enzymes and rutin. Forum d prakt. Arztes 9 (1981).
Scheef, W.: Benign changes in the female breast. Therapiewoche (1985), 5090.
Menzel, J., Runge, S.: Enzymes as Immunomodulators. Allgemeinmedizin 19 (1990), 140.
Ernst, E., Matrai, A.: Oral therapy with proteolytic enzymes for modifying the blood rheology. Klin. Wschr. 65 (1987), 994.
Ito, M., Nakano, T., Kamiya, T., et al: Effects of tumor necrosis factor on replication of varicella-zoster virus. Antiviral Research 15 (1991), 183-192.
Jager, H., Popesscu, M., Samtleben, W., Stauder, G.: Hydrolytic enzymes as biological response modifiers (BRM) in HIV infection. In: San Marino Conferences - Highlights in Medical Virology, Immunology and Oncology, Volume 1, San Marino, 1988, 44th Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Sidney, Toronto.
Blach, J., F., Blach, P., A.: Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Avery Publishing Group 1997.
McCabe, E.: O2xygen Therapies. Energy Publications. 1988.
Halstead, B., W.: Fossil Stony Coral Minerals and their Nutritional Application. Health Digest Pub. 1999.
VitalZym, the planets primer systemic enzyme product from World Nutrition.
1-800-548-2710 ext 123 or 122.
K0-7 - Aerobic Life Industries 1-800-798-0707.
Dr. Wong's Articles by Category - Condition
The Effects of Plant Form Proteases on Viruses PDF
Enzymedica - Virastop 2x, 90 capsules

Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:27 pm; edited 8 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:27 pm Post subject: What Are Systemic Enzymes and What Do They Do? |
What Are Systemic Enzymes and What Do They Do?
By: Dr. William Wong ND, PhD
The word “systemic” means body wide. Systemic enzymes are those that operate not just for digestion but throughout your body in every system and organ. But let’s take first things first, what is an enzyme?
An enzyme is a biocatalyst - something that makes something else work or work faster. Chemical reactions are generally slow things, enzymes speed them up. Without enzymes the chemical reactions that make up our life would be too slow for life as we know it. (As slow as sap running down a tree in winter). For life to manifest as we know it, enzymes are essential to speed up the reactions. We have roughly some 3000 enzymes in our bodies and that results in over 7000 enzymic reactions. Most of these enzymes are derived or created from what we think of as the protein digesting enzymes. But while digestion is an important part of what enzymes do, it's almost the absolute last function. First and foremost these body wide proteolytic (protein eating) enzymes have the following actions:
Natural Anti-Inflammatory.
They are the first line of defense against inflammation. (1,2,3). Inflammation is a reaction by the immune system to an irritation. Let’s say you have an injured right knee. The immune system sensing the irritation the knee is undergoing creates a protein chain called a Circulating Immune Complex (CIC for short), tagged specifically for that right knee. (The Nobel Prize in biology was won in 1999 by a scientist who discovered this tagging mechanism). This CIC floats down to the right knee and causes pain, redness and swelling are the classic earmarks for inflammation. This at first is a beneficial reaction; it warns us that a part of ourselves is hurt and needs attention. But, inflammation is self-perpetuating, itself creating an irritation that the body makes CIC’s to in response!
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Vioxx and the rest of the Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs all work by keeping the body from making all CIC's. This ignores the fact that some CIC’s are vital to life, like those that maintain the lining of the intestine and those that keep the kidneys functioning! Not to mention the fact that the NSAID’s, along with acetaminophen, are highly toxic to the liver. Every year 20,000 Americans die from these over the counter drugs and another 100,000 will wind up in the hospital with liver damage, kidney damage or bleeding intestines from the side effects of these drugs. (4,5).
Systemic enzymes on the other hand are perfectly safe and free of dangerous side effects. They have no LD-50, or toxic dose. (6). Best of all systemic enzymes can tell the difference between the good CIC’s and the bad ones because hydrolytic enzymes are lock and key mechanisms and their "teeth" will only fit over the bad CIC’s. So instead of preventing the creation of all CIC’s, systemic enzymes just “eat” the bad ones and in so doing lower inflammation everywhere. With that, pain is lowered also.
Anti Fibrosis.
Enzymes eat scar tissue and fibrosis. (7). Fibrosis is scar tissue and most doctors learn in anatomy that it is fibrosis that eventually kills us all. Let me explain. As we age, which starts at 27, we have a diminishing of the bodies’ output of enzymes. This is because we make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and we use up a good deal of them by the time we are 27. At that point the body knows that if it keeps up that rate of consumption we’ll run out of enzymes and be dead by the time we reach our 40’s. (Cystic Fibrosis patients who have virtually no enzyme production to speak of, even as children usually don’t make it past their 20’s before they die of the restriction and shrinkage in the lungs from the formation of fibrosis or scar tissue).
So our body in it's wisdom begins to dole out our enzymes with an eyedropper instead of with a tablespoon; as a result the repair mechanism of the body goes out of balance and has nothing to reduce the over abundance of fibrin it deposits in nearly every thing from simple cuts, to the inside of our internal organs and blood vessels. This is when most women begin to develop things like fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and we all grow arterial sclerotic (meaning scar tissue) plaque, and have fibrin beginning to spider web its way inside of our internal organs reducing their size and function over time. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.
If we replace the lost enzymes we can control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and fibrosis our bodies have. As physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be “eaten away” from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, kidney fibrosis and even keloids years after their formation. Medical doctors in Europe and Asia have known this and have used orally administered enzymes for these situations for over 40 years!
Blood Cleansing.
The blood is not only the river of life, it is also the river through which the cells and organs dispose of their garbage and dead material. Enzymes improve circulation by eating the excess fibrin that causes blood to sometimes get as thick as catsup or yogurt, creating the perfect environment for the formation of clots. All of this material is supposed to be cleared by the liver on its "first pass", or the first time it goes through but given the sluggish and near toxic or toxic states of everyone's liver these days that seldom happens. So the sludge remains in the blood waiting for the liver to have enough free working space and enough enzymes to clean the trash out of the blood. This can take days, and in some cases, weeks! (8).
When systemic enzymes are taken, they stand ready in the blood and take the strain off of the liver by:
Cleaning excess fibrin from the blood and reducing the stickiness of blood cells. These two actions minimize the leading causes of stroke and heart attack causing blood clots. (8).
Breaking dead material down small enough that it can immediately pass into the bowel. (8).
Cleanse the FC receptors on the white blood cells improving their function and availability to fight off infection. (9).
And here we come to the only warning we have to give concerning the use of Vitalzym or any other systemic enzyme - don't use the product if you are a hemophiliac or are on prescription blood thinners like Coumadin, Heparin and Plavix, without direct medical supervision. The enzymes cause the drugs to work better so there is the possibility of thinning the blood too much.
Immune System Modulating.
Enzymes are adaptogenic seeking to restore a steady state to the body. (9). When the immune system is running low we become susceptible to infectious disease, when it’s cranked up too high then the system creates antibodies that attack it's own tissues as are seen in the auto immune diseases of MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Lupus. Here the enzymes will tone down immune function and eat away at the antibodies the immune system is making to attack its bodies own tissue.
Virus Fighting.
Viruses harm us by replicating in our bodies. To do this a virus must bond itself to the DNA in our cells through the medium of its exterior protein cell wall. Anything that disrupts that cell wall inhibits the ability of viral replication by rendering individual viruses inert. (10,11). Systemic enzymes can tell the difference between the proteins that are supposed to be in your body and those that are foreign or not supposed to be there, (again the enzyme lock and key mechanism). Vitalzym has the strongest protein eating effect of any enzyme due to its Serrapeptase content and can be of help in combating viruses.
One note: many in the States have learned in school that enzymes are too big a protein to be absorbed through the gut. The pioneering research done in the US by Dr. Max Wolf (MD & PhD x7) at Columbia University in the 40’s through the 70’s has not made it to the awareness of most doctors. There are currently over 200 peer reviewed research articles dealing with the absorption, utilization and therapeutic action of orally administered systemic enzymes. A search through Pub Med using the key words: serrapeptase, papain, bromelain, trypsin, chymo trypsin, nattokinase and systemic enzyme will yield some of the extensive work. Systemic enzymes now have a 4 decade plus history of widespread medical use in central Europe and Japan.
Vitalzym with it's serrapeptase based blend of enzymes is the strongest and fastest working systemic enzyme on the planet with research to prove it.
Serrapeptase Also known as Serratia peptidase; a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non-pathogenic enterobacteria Serratia E15. Serrapeptase has been shown to be one of the most fibrinolytic enzymes available today.
Protease: Any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis.
Bromelain: An enzyme found in pineapples that breaks down other proteins, such as collagen.
Papain: A proteolytic enzyme obtained from unripe papaya.
Amylase: Any of a group of proteins found in saliva and pancreatic juice and parts of plants, Amylase digests carbohydrates and helps convert starch to sugar.
Lipase: Lipase digests fat. It is an enzyme secreted in the digestive tract that catalyzes the breakdown of fats into individual fatty acids that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Amla: Amla is the richest source of Vitamin C. It also contains tannic acid, glucose, protein, cellulose and calcium. Amla is considered to have restorative and preventive properties.
Rutin: One of the many existing flavonoids. Flavonoids support health by strengthening capillaries and other connective tissue.
1) Carroll A., R.: Clinical examination of an enzymatic anti-inflammatory agent in emergency surgery. Arztl. Praxis 24 (1972), 2307.
2) Mazzone A, et al.: Evaluation of Serratia peptidase in acute or chronic
inflammation of otorhinolaryngology pathology: a multicentre, double blind,
randomized trial versus placebo. J Int Med Res. 1990; 18(5):379-88.
3) Kee W., H. Tan S, L., Lee V. Salmon Y. M.: The treatment of breast engorgement with Serrapeptase: a randomized double blind controlled trial. Singapore Med J. 1989:30(l):48-54.
4) Celebrex article Wall Street Journal 19 April 1999.
5) No author listed: Regular Use of Pain Relievers Can Have Dangerous Results. Kaleidoscope Interactive News, American Medical Association media briefing. July 24, 1997.
6) Enzymes ñ A Drug of the Future, Prof. Heinrich Wrba MD and Otto Pecher MD. Published 1993 Eco Med.
7) Kakinumu A. et al.: Regression of fibrinolysis in scalded rats by administration of serrapeptase. Biochem. Pharmacol. 31:2861-2866,1982.
8) Ernst E., Matrai A.: Oral Therapy with proteolytic enzymes for modifying blood rheology. Klin Wschr. 65 (1987), 994.
9) Kunze R., Ransberger K., et at: Humoral immunomodulatory capasity of proteases in immune complex decomposition and formation. First International symposium on combination therapies, Washington, DC, 1991.
10) Jager H.: Hydrolytic Enzymes in the therapy of HIV disease. Zeitschr. Allgemeinmed., 19 (1990), 160.
11) Bartsch W.: The treatment of herpes zoster using proteolytic enzymes. Der Informierte Arzt. 2 (1974), 424-429.
Dr. Wong's Articles by Category - Condition
Another great enzyme blend is Fibrenza. Get it? Fibrenza for fibrin / fibrosis, as the name implies. Same ingredients, but WITHOUT maltodextrin or other unnecessary ingredients. Fibrenza is a cleaner product, even though the other still works wonderfully on fibrosis.
There is also an herbal by by master herbalist Elijah Free, of Earth Friend Herb Co., called Fibro-Ease. It has the proactive action of preventing the hardening of fibrin due to a rare potassium deficiency.

Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:06 pm; edited 11 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:26 pm Post subject: More on Vitalzym |
Vitalzym What does it offer?
I personally used 30 capsules of Vitalzym per day for a long period of time as part of my regime while I was working hard to cleanse my body on the inside and reduce the clumping of my blood cells (platelets stick together and clot), which happens as we age, and the reason many older people find themselves on blood thinning medications. It has also been extremely helpful for my husband who lived with Hepatitis C for over 25 years - now symptom free!
Vitalzym with Serrapeptase can help:
* Fibromyalgia - Arthritis - Chronic Joint Pain
* Chronic Fatigue
* Chronic Pain – Inflammation
* Clogged Arteries
* Fibroids
* endometriosis
* Spider Veins
* Viral Infection
* Circulatory disorders
* Systemic Yeast Infection
* Autoimmune Diseases
* Post-Operate Scarring
* Fibrocystic Breast Disease
* Bladder Infections - Interstitial Cystitis
There is a lot to say about Vitalzym and what it offers. When you order the Vitalzym from us, we send out a CD along with the product – which is a lecture given by Dr. Wong, who developed the Vitalzym, a doctor himself who suffered from Fibromyalgia.
Please feel free to phone if you have questions.
Vitalzym is a fast working systemic proteolytic enzyme. Vitalzym’s serrapeptase based blend of enzymes is the strongest and fastest working systemic enzyme on the planet with research to prove it.
* Digests scar tissue and fibrosis
* Helps cleanse the blood of toxins and impurities
* Eats away at viruses
* Guards against fibrosis…fibrin tissue reduces function and size of our organs as we age
* Aids the liver in filtering toxins out of the body
* Helps your body repair damaged tissue
* Improves circulation – keeping the platelets from sticking together, naturally thinning the blood
Proteolytic enzymes have powerful applications to many health challenges and conditions. Vitalzym works throughout the body in every system and organ preventing an accumulation of acidic waste, which bogs down the liver and the immune system function.
1) Digests scar tissue and fibrosis –
Fibrin tissue increases in our bodies as we age; which is the reason why so many people are put on blood thinning medications. Fibrosis is the formation of scar-like structures which cause tissues to harden and reduces the flow of fluids through these tissues.
Dead and inflamed tissue are two of the key causes of the majority of ailments in the body.
“Serrapeptase digests non-living tissue (scar tissue), blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms." The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that Serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Dr. Nieper told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase.
“Fibrosis is scar tissue and most doctors learn in anatomy that it is fibrosis that eventually kills us all. Let me explain. As we age, which starts at 27, we have a diminishing of the bodies’ output of enzymes. This is because we make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and we use up a good deal of them by the time we are 27. At that point the body knows that if it keeps up that rate of consumption we’ll run out of enzymes and be dead by the time we reach our 40’s. (Cystic Fibrosis patients who have virtually no enzyme production to speak of, even as children usually don’t make it past their 20’s before they die of the restriction and shrinkage in the lungs from the formation of fibrosis or scar tissue).
So our body in it's wisdom begins to dole out our enzymes with an eyedropper instead of with a tablespoon; as a result the repair mechanism of the body goes out of balance and has nothing to reduce the over abundance of fibrin it deposits in nearly every thing from simple cuts, to the inside of our internal organs and blood vessels. This is when most women begin to develop things like fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and we all grow arterial sclerotic (meaning scar tissue) plaque, and have fibrin beginning to spider web its way inside of our internal organs reducing their size and function over time. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.
If we replace the lost enzymes we can control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and fibrosis our bodies have. As physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be “eaten away” from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, kidney fibrosis and even keloids years after their formation. Medical doctors in Europe and Asia have known this and have used orally administered enzymes for these situations for over 40 years!...” by William Wong N.D., Ph.D.
2) Aids the liver in filtering toxins out of the body -
Healthy Blood Circulation –
As we cleanse the blood of toxins, blood clots and debris, blood circulation improves – naturally thinning the blood; keeping platalets from clumping.
When systemic enzymes are taken, they stand ready in the blood and take the strain off of the liver by:
* Cleaning excess fibrin from the blood and reducing the stickiness of blood cells. These two actions minimize the leading causes of stroke and heart attack causing blood clots.
* Breaking dead material down small enough that it can immediately pass into the bowel.
* Cleanse the FC receptors on the white blood cells improving their function and availability to fight off infection
“The blood is not only the river of life, it is also the river through which the cells and organs dispose of their garbage and dead material. Enzymes improve circulation by eating the excess fibrin that causes blood to sometimes get as thick as catsup or yogurt, creating the perfect environment for the formation of clots. All of this material is supposed to be cleared by the liver on its "first pass", or the first time it goes through but given the sluggish and near toxic or toxic states of everyone's liver these days that seldom happens. So the sludge remains in the blood waiting for the liver to have enough free working space and enough enzymes to clean the trash out of the blood. This can take days, and in some cases, weeks!” by William Wong N.D., Ph.D.
WARNING ~ don't use Vitalzym if you are a hemophiliac or are on prescription blood thinners like Coumadin, Heparin and Plavix, without direct medical supervision. The enzymes cause the drugs to work better so there is the possibility of thinning the blood too much.
3) Disrupts the replication of viruses - reduces virus replication by eating away at the protein shell surrounding the virus
“Viruses harm us by replicating in our bodies. To do this a virus must bond itself to the DNA in our cells through the medium of its exterior protein cell wall. Anything that disrupts that cell wall inhibits the ability of viral replication by rendering individual viruses inert. Systemic enzymes can tell the difference between the proteins that are supposed to be in your body and those that are foreign or not supposed to be there. Vitalzym has the strongest protein eating effect of any enzyme due to its Serrapeptase content and can be of help in combating viruses.” …William Wong ND., Ph.D
4) Reduces Inflammation:
* Helping your body repair damaged tissue.
* Reducing swelling and inflammation, which can alleviate pain, as is often the case in patients with arthritis, fibromyalgia and back pain - by helping the body fight muscle spasms & remove fibrin tissue
* Using as an alternative to Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, which are tough on the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines.
With Vitalzym we want to eat up the excess fibrin tissue, and keep the blood clean of debris. If we replace the enzymes we lose as we age, we can control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and fibrosis our bodies have. Old scar tissue can be eaten away from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis and kidney fibrosis.
5) Immune System Modulating
Enzymes are adaptogenic seeking to restore a steady state to the body. When the immune system is running low we become susceptible to infectious disease, when it’s cranked up too high then the system creates antibodies that attack it's own tissues as are seen in the auto immune diseases of MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Lupus. Here the enzymes will tone down immune function and eat away at the antibodies the immune system is making to attack its bodies own tissue.
TESTIMONIALS using Vitalzym
Back Pain
Blood Cleansing
Cardiovascular Disease
Chronic Pain
Crohn's Disease
Digestive Troubles
General Health
Joint Pain
Multiple Results
The enzymes used in Vitälzym are plant derived containing no animal products. Vitalzym is cultured to withstand exposure to heat up to 150º for short periods of time.
How to Take Vitalzym
Take on an empty stomach - Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will get into the blood and clean it. Enzymes taken with meals will thoroughly digest food. The proprietary formula of Vitalzym is made in such way as to protect the enzymes from the acids in the stomach.
Take at least ½ hour before eating, or 1 hour after eating.
Drink plenty of water – Drinking water during the day will support your body in flushing out the toxins and debris.
~ Finding your “Activation” dose by Dr. William Wong ~
When Vitalzym “kicks in”’ there will be no doubt in your mind that it is working! An activation dose is the amount of enzymes you need to begin to feel a benefit from the product. The recommended dosage given on the label is meant as a maintenance dose for those with out any complaints. Consumers with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, Auto Immune Conditions, Fibrosis complaints and Inflammation symptoms need to find the dose at which they begin to feel better. They can then maintain that dose or after 3 months try to reduce the dose and see if the benefits are still felt.
Finding the right dose for you:
Start taking 3 capsules 3 times a day, in-between meals. If in 3 days no benefits are felt, increase the dose to 4 capsules 3 times a day, for 3 days. Continue increasing the number of tablets or capsules taken until a benefit is felt. Most will feel the Vitalzym kick in somewhere between 3 and 5, 3 times a day. There is no toxicity from enzymes, (no LD-50). Some customers who have suffered accidents have been placed on 10 Vitalzym tablets 3 times a day by their doctors for a few weeks until the bulk of their inflammation and it resultant pain are gone. Then they are brought down to a much lower maintenance dose to prevent the formation of scar tissue.
Hemophiliacs and those on prescription blood thinners should not use this or any other systemic enzyme as the enzymes help the drugs to work better and may overly thin the blood.
Ingredients in Vitalzym
Serrapeptase - Also known as Serratia peptidase; a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non- pathogenic enterobacteria Serratia E15. Serrapeptase has been shown to be one of the most fibrinolytic enzymes available today.
Protease - Any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis.
Bromelain - An enzyme found in pineapples that breaks down other proteins, such as collagen.
Papain - A proteolytic enzyme obtained from unripe papaya.
Amylase - Any of a group of proteins found in saliva and pancreatic juice and parts of plants, Amylase digests carbohydrates and helps convert starch to sugar.
Lipase - Lipase digests fat. It is an enzyme secreted in the digestive tract that catalyzes the breakdown of fats into individual fatty acids that can be absorbed into the bloodstream
Amla - Amla is the richest source of Vitamin C. It also contains tannic acid, glucose, protein, cellulose and calcium. Amla is considered to have restorative and preventive properties.
Rutin - One of the many existing flavonoids. Flavonoids support health by strengthening capillaries and other connective tissue
– for more info go to World Nutrition which is the manufacturer of Vitalzym.
To Purchase Vitalzym

Last edited by MessiahMews on Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:07 am; edited 10 times in total |
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MessiahMews Woman Warrior

Joined: 02 Feb 2006 Posts: 525 Location: Vaccination Liberation
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